Saturday, February 25, 2017

Don't stop writing, even when people chose to misjudge you

Proverbs 18:13 Geneva Bible (GNV)
He that answereth a matter before he hear it, it is folly and shame unto him.

James 1:19 Geneva Bible (GNV)
19 Wherefore my dear brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath.

Don't let the false judgements that certain individuals cast on you be a weight. Just bless them in Jesus' name, brush the dust off, and move on. Don't retaliate. Bless. And be joyful in the righteousness of JESUS, knowing that Jesus was also misjudged, misquoted, and was accused of saying things that He never actually said! If you stand on the Rock (Christ), and share your personal story, some people will panic because your story does not sound like their own personal ideal or their own journey in Christ. They may be tempted to assume you are wrong, when in fact there is nothing Biblically wrong with you.

Some people might answer you prematurely, before they TRULY hear (understand) what you are saying or writing. So please don't be discouraged by the odd ones who want to paint you in a negative light with a broad brush of generalization. That brush is not your identity. Your identity is in Christ alone. You are already justified by Christ, so you don't have to try and justify yourself to random people on social media. Yes those comments may be hard to hear at first, and emotionally upsetting.

But try to realize that they often have nothing to do with you. Most often I have found that the worst online criticisms usually come from people who have no actual relationship with you. They are just another person on social media. God bless them, but they are not your final authority. Only Jesus Christ (The Word) is the final authority.
 And you don't have to waste time debating people who have -chosen- to misunderstand you by jumping to premature conclusions. When giving a final account, you will stand before God only, NOT before these arm-chair theologians and critics.
Just remember the words of Jesus:

Matthew 5:44 Geneva Bible (GNV)
"But I say unto you, Love your enemies: bless them that curse you: do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which hurt you, and persecute you,"

And finally, please don't stop sharing your walk with Christ. SOMEone needs to hear your story and how Jesus has faithfully led you in His own righteousness. Please keep writing, walking, and encouraging others. You will soon be the balm that will soothe the pain of another. Blessings to you!!

Still learning and growing, walking and writing, in Christ,

- Pastor Curtis

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