Saturday, February 18, 2017

Relationship and Worship Work Together

Worship the One you know. Worship is a relational act, not a religious one. It happens when we know God and truly appreciate and love Him for who He is. Without knowing God, we could never properly worship Him.

Jesus said:
"Ye worship that which ye know not: we worship that which we know: for salvation is of the Jews."
(John 4:22 GNV)

Worship and Relationship are two important things, and both are needed. But they are not the same.

Worship is humble respect and intense adoration toward someone worthy. Worship moves us to voluntarily pour in time, resources, and effort into that person we deem worthy.

But how can we discern that someone is worthy, without first knowing them personally?

Relationship is knowing someone directly and personally. It's when two individuals have an understanding and a mutual respect and love for one another. Christianity is built upon relationship, not religion. It's based on knowing Jesus, not knowing ABOUT Jesus. There is a huge difference there.

It is very possible to worship someone or something with no hint of an actual relationship being present. We worship things we wrongfully think to be worthy.
It happens all the time: Earth-worship, climate-worship, identity-worship, animal-worship, celebrity-worship, money-worship, lottery-worship, idol worship, false religion-worship, self-worship, human-worship, sex-worship, sport-worship, car-worship, IQ-worship, family-worship, demon-worship, angel-worship, career-worship... etc etc. The list goes on. These are all misguided attempts at worship, and they are all void of a true relationship to the Father and the Son.

As human beings of the world, apart from Christ, we worship what we do not know. We worship without even realizing it. We worship with no actual sense that we are being heard. We worship these things or people without knowledge that it matters or makes a difference. Or we try to worship God, but do not really know who, or where He is, or if He really hears us. Worship, apart from Christ, cannot reach God. See John 14:6.
 Worldly people worship without relationship. Or they attempt to worship an earthly relationship.

 And sadly, we worship to our own demise, because we fail to give God the glory that only He deserves. We misdirect our love and adoration to things and places and people and objects.


Jesus has come to tells us WHO He IS (The SON of GOD, The Saviour, The DOOR to heaven) and WHO He represents (The Father, God). It is through Jesus alone that we can KNOW and have RELATIONSHIP to the Father, God almighty.
And only when we KNOW GOD can we truly give Him proper WORSHIP. And that worship will be powerful in Christ, as it is guided by the Holy Spirit. Worship becomes effective when we do it through a living relationship to Jesus Christ! Worship must be done through relationship, not religious performance. Worship comes with a proper understanding of Scripture, as directed by the Holy Spirit.

To know Jesus is to know God. To worship Jesus is to worship God. And it is only through knowing Jesus that we can worship Him successfully.

"Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you, before Abraham was, I am."
(John 8:58 Geneva Version)

We were made to worship the Lord God. But we need Jesus to point us back to God, to show us the WAY. Jesus IS the way to worship the Father. And your worship through Christ DOES matter. It is made in RELATIONSHIP to God. You know that in Christ, your worship reaches the Father.
You know Jesus through faith and through the Spirit. And your intimate spiritual connection to Him leads you to worship Him for who He IS, the Great "I AM."
You worship Jesus because you KNOW Him. It is the only real effective worship there is. All other worship is emptiness. It is emptiness without relationship.
And relationship is empty without worship. Worship enriches your connection to God the Father. So I want you to know, that God is LOOKING for worship.... He WANTS to know you.
And He VALUES your worship, if it comes in spirit and in truth. Your relationship to God matters. Your worship of Him matters too.
It makes an impact in heaven. It pleases the One who made us.

John 4:23-24 (Geneva Version)
23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and Truth: for the Father requireth even such to worship him.
24 God is a Spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in Spirit and Truth.

Matthew 28:17a (Geneva Version)
And when they saw him (Jesus), they worshipped him:

1 John 5:20 (Geneva Version)
But we know that that Son of God is come, and hath given us a mind to know him, which is true, and we are in him that is true, that is, in that his Son Jesus Christ, the same is that very God, and that eternal life.

True worship is possible when we truly know the One who created us, and abide in a dynamic daily relationship with Him. Call on Jesus, for only He can reveal the Father to you. Only He can give you the right relationship required to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

Pastor Curtis
Sat. Feb. 18, 2017 8:40pm EST

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