Sunday, March 5, 2017

The next leg of the journey

This verse below has been a part of my calling for the last 17 years. It seems the Lord is bringing it more to the forefront now.
Habakkuk 2:2 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
2 And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

I've been writing for years now. As the Lord shows me things, I write them. Lately, a prophetic word has been spoken over me a few times that I am to write a book. Maybe two or three books. Wait.... a BOOK??
That has caused me to think.
Unless the Lord shows me something, I really have nothing important to write! I'm just another nameless figure in a sea of writings. What could I possibly add? On my own, there is nothing I can add. There are plenty of good Christian authors out there. And I am lousy at sales and marketing. But if the Lord calls me and anoints me, then He must have something He wants to share with others through me. So I must be brave and face this challenge despite the feeling that it's been done before and I have nothing new to contribute to the world of books. I am content to write my little blog entries for my tiny audience. Yet the Lord seems to beckon me beyond that.
The following verse is helping me to embrace this call more:

John 21:25 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
25 Now there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which if they should be written every one, I suppose the world could not contain the books that should be written, Amen.
In other words, those books "SHOULD" be written, even if the world is already full of books about Jesus. Maybe God really does want me to write a book. I have put it off for so long. I didn't realize the struggle that would ensue. BUT.... ironically, here I am WRITING about my hesitancy to write. Funny how that works, huh? I'm ok typing out thousands of words about Christ, as long as it is in social media or in short blog entries. But I somehow freeze up when confronted with the mountainous task of writing a book.

See I've been writing my blog for over 7 years. And I have written many songs, many articles, many Bible studies. On the topic of the seasonal gift singleness, I have written over 70,000 words.
 In this way, I have been answering the call God gave me through Hab. 2:2. But a recent prophetic word was spoken over me that I am to write a book, possibly two or three. This has caused me to reevaluate my content and wonder if I have what it takes to master such a huge task. Yet in Christ I can do all things.
God is constantly helping us stretch our spiritual legs, helping us walk a little further than before. He does not want us to get too settled in the Way. The Way is Jesus. The Way is also a journey with Jesus. It seems now is the time for me to take the next leg of my journey with Jesus. I will push back all those soulish thoughts that make me feel unworthy of book writing. If Christ calls me to it, then Christ anoints me for it. That anointing, plus some anointed discipline, will be the only thing that gets me through this. Praise God.

Perhaps God is calling you too. He may be calling you into uncharted territory. You've not been this way before. You will need to depend more on Him to direct your steps. But if He calls you, He will anoint you for it as well! Blessings!

Sun Mar 5 2017 12:25am EST

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