Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Man Who Taught Children: A Short Story

The Man Who Taught Children: A Short Story

Luke 12:51-53 GENEVA VERSION
Jesus said:
51 Think ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, nay, but rather debate.
52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.
53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father: the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother: the mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
There was a man who has spent nearly 16 years pouring ministry, love, teaching into children in his church youth class. They are the children of others who come to church. He has made an investment into future generations. He continues to do it for new children.
No doubt, though he may not see it, many of those children have grown up to be followers of Christ and have gone on to serve the Lord and make the world a better place.

And sadly, some of those older children from previous classes have grown up to block and/or unfriend him on social media.. and to distance themselves from him in person.... and it stings. But he still prays for them in Jesus' Name. It was Jesus that called the man to do that ministry. So that man obeys with joy and love. That man obeys despite the pain of loss. The greatest thing is when even one child can be taught the Word, be taught how to pray, and be taught how to follow Jesus and love Him.
That child may one day go further and do more than the man ever could.
That same man made the difficult decision, years ago, to marry a woman who had already told him that she is unable to have children, but wants to follow him in ministry. So that man made the investment of marrying her, and loving her in Christ with all his faithfulness and might. And he was completely satisfied to do so, with no regret towards not having children. After all, he never really had the desire to have kids of his own, even when growing up.
But when she decided to abandon him a few years later, and leave for her old life, it stung. In this case, childlessness became a tremendous blessing .... as children always suffer the most in a divorce situation. A divorce where there are no children is still painful, but at least the cut is clean and there are no kids stuck in the middle.

Because of all those things, that man had come to appreciate children. He may not have had his own, but he is fine with it, and loves to continue teaching other people's children in church and in the marketplace. He appreciates them, but does not feel the need to bring any of his own into the world. Since there are so many children here already in the world, there is much work to be done, spreading the Gospel to them. This is how he appreciates children the most; by sharing the GOSPEL with them as they come to class.

 He has endured a lot of heartache and has seen first hand how children often forsake those that love them the most. Some children do not. But many do, and it truly is painful for those who worked so hard to bless them and teach them. The man could not even imagine what a parent must feel about their own wayward child growing up and rebelling against Christ or against them.

So the man will continue in humility, seeking the Lord, repenting of his own shortcomings, and steadily climbing the steps of the Strong Tower, the Name of Jesus Christ. (Prov. 18:10) His heart is open to the Lord's gentle, loving, guiding and shaping hands. God could change him, and maybe He will.

Such a man will continue to serve in this capacity as long as the Lord sees fit. And he may even start to be brave enough... to write about it. He might become courageous enough to put these hidden wounds into the light for Jesus to heal and mend. And he will always appreciate children and the blessing they have already brought to him, and continue to bring to him.

-Story by Curtis J Alexander (c) 2017
[Originally Written Feb 20th 2017 2:17PM EST]

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