A lifestyle of taking offense comes from the victimhood mentality (meaning someone who sees their core identity as a victim). This type of person will look for things to take offence in. Victimhood is self-focused and rarely sees the good. Victimhood is a mentality defined by past offenses, and keeps those offenses on life-support. Those past offenses then serve as an excuse not to heal an move forward today. Those who allow themselves to be defined by offense are leaving themselves vulnerable.
In order to take offense at something, you must first leave yourself open to attack!
In order to take offense at something, you must first leave yourself open to attack!
On the other hand.... there is the Victor.
A lifestyle of thanksgiving comes from the Victorhood mentality. Victors are those who identify with Jesus' victory and believe Him and follow Him. Victors overcome their obstacles through Christ who strengthens them. Victorhood is Christ-focused, not self-focused. The Victor sees their identity as complete in Christ (Col. 2:10) Victors still have trials. Bad things still happen. Yet they see Jesus as their shepherd walking them through the valley, understanding that every trial will one day end and that every person can have forgiveness from sins if they come to Jesus. They are strong in God's Holy Spirit, even when they feel weak. They forgive when no one asked for forgiveness (Like Jesus forgave His accusers while He was dying on the cross). Those who allow themselves to be defined by Jesus Christ and The Holy Bible are secure and covered.
What is your identity rooted in? Is it in your past, and in the wrongs of other people toward you? Or is it rooted in Jesus Christ who is Your Saviour and God and Provider in all things?
God bless!
Pastor Curtis
Sat Apr 6 2019 10:47pm EST
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