Friday, June 24, 2016

Singleness: Always Having All Sufficiency

According to Scripture, you can be SUFFICIENT and COMPLETE with or without marriage. It is because of God's grace.
Paul the Apostle said:
2 Corinthians 9:8 GNV
"And God is able to make all grace to abound toward you, that ye always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound in every good work,"
Just notice this powerful phrase in the above Scripture: "always having all sufficiency". That is consistent supply for all your needs! Wow! Praise Jesus for that!
God is ABLE to make ALL grace abound toward ME and YOU. You and I will always have ALL SUFFICIENCY in ALL THINGS, if we depend wholly on Jesus Christ.
Whether this season changes or not, God has already made me sufficient! All by His unearned gift of favour (grace).
Paul, an unmarried man, experienced "all sufficiency" in Christ, which is why he wrote about it.
And really, what better way to truly discover the power of His grace than when you have no one else to depend on?
I have been discovering this very same sufficiency as I lean on Jesus. What a precious gift.
God is able to give you and me ALL Grace and....
ALL Sufficiency to work.
ALL Sufficiency to minister.
ALL Sufficiency to rest.
ALL Sufficiency to be in fellowship with the spiritual family of God.
ALL Sufficiency in personal needs.
ALL Sufficiency in supply.
ALL Sufficiency in love.
ALL Sufficiency in affection.
ALL Sufficiency in holiness.
ALL Sufficiency in peace.
ALL Sufficiency in __________ (fill in the need here).
Examine Paul's words carefully: He left no stone unturned in his statement. The word "all" does not mean "some". It means "everything". It is an absolute statement about the absolute God.
So when God promises you ALL sufficiency in ALL things: then take Him at His word and believe Him. Jesus did say that He has ALL power (Mat 28:18-20). So His ability is NOT limited.

As a believer in Christ, get specific with what you need, and ask your Heavenly Father in Jesus' Name.
It no longer depends on your marital status. It depends on God. Our Lord Jesus (who was unmarried) proved it when He walked upon the earth in complete harmony with the Heavenly Father in the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul also remained single and yet demonstrated that he experienced this kind of sufficiency. And if you desire to get married, then do it in wisdom. Marriage is a Godly institution between one man and one woman according to Scripture. It is completely our choice to marry or remain single. Jesus and Paul do not prohibit marriage. But they also do not REQUIRE it for the Godly disciple or leader. So if marriage would help you, then do it. If not, then stay single like Jesus and Paul did.
 Whatever you prayerfully choose, don't make the mistake of looking for your sufficiency outside of Christ. You can have Christ today. You can have always have all the sufficiency you need by His grace TODAY! It is NOT self-sufficiency. It is also NOT spousal-sufficiency.
No. Scripture teaches that it is Christ-sufficiency we need. By Christ alone am I sufficient.

Nothing can add to, or "improve" the sufficiency of Christ. Not singleness. Not marriage. Not wealth. Not popularity. Not any thing. The sufficiency of Christ depends on NOTHING BUT CHRIST JESUS HIMSELF. It is perfect. His sufficiency is superior to any and all conditions of life, such as singleness or marriage. It truly surpasses our understanding. And yet, we can have this sufficiency in Christ, by GRACE today.
And how can you learn this unless you are willing to press into all that God is and all that He has for you? Why wait?
I am convinced this is the benefit to being single for years now.
I can honestly say God supplies ALL my sufficiency by His unearned favour - His GRACE. Once upon a time, years ago, I did not fully appreciate singleness. I used to think marriage was the only "real" option. But now I have more Biblical balance to my thinking. Both marriage and singleness are good gifts and seasons (1 Cor. 7:7 and Eccl. 3:5b) to be used in the Body of Christ. No one is "better" than anyone else. Your marital status does not make you "better" or "worse" than anyone else. Not according to the Word of God and the Grace of God.
 No one can boast except in the cross of Jesus Christ. (Gal. 6:14) Grace is the only thing that makes us acceptable to God. Grace is the only thing that makes us "sufficient".

I appreciate the amazing grace I experience in singleness, and the humility God has been working into me.

You're not locked into singleness. You could marry someday, and be blessed. But once you do get married, then you are locked into that covenant and more demands will be placed on your time. I know, I was once married.
So use your current freedom from marriage duties to pursue Christ. Be sure you connect to Christ, not just on the individual level, but also on the corporate level. Jesus works through local churches - His Body. It is important you are a part of a local church.
This is a Biblical challenge for you: Press into God's sufficiency whether you are married or not. Know that God gives you unmerited favour (grace) to do all that He has called you to do, and that you matter to Jesus! He loves you. And remember, this all-sufficient grace is so that you may "abound in every good work"!
Pastor Curtis
Jun 24 2016 9:51AM EST

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