If you are a Christian single, perhaps you find yourself in the same position as me.
Perhaps you have been date-free for a number of years.
Perhaps it is time to consider the benefits you can reap from your current situation. I mean, most of us as singles would eventually like to meet and marry someone. But if this is not happening, then we need to ask the Lord to open our eyes to what He HAS given us in this season of being single and without a date. Yes the feelings of being unwanted and unloved are tough to resist. It is hard not to fall into a pity party slump. Believe me, I know. God had to deal with me a number of times. But He has successfully balanced out my thinking over the years. He is so good!!
SO... I want to stretch your thinking a little bit.
I have been living this way, just letting God do as He wills in my life. Now I never planned on being dateless (I planned for the opposite actually). However, it just happens to be this way. There is nothing wrong with me. I am perfectly acceptable just the way I am. I am no less of a person than any other human being. My worth is in Christ. If you are date-free, then there is nothing wrong with you. It just happens to be the season you are in. Nothing more, nothing less. You are perfectly acceptable and loved in Christ.
The last person I dated was my ex-wife before we married and that was about 10 years ago! And my marriage ended over 5 years ago. So I have experienced being date-free as a Christian single for a while now. Here are some of the many benefits I have discovered over the years.
1) You are able to focus more completely on the Lord Jesus Christ. He should always be your first and most central relationship anyway. But a single who is also date-free, is usually blessed above many others with extra time to seek Him and be with Him and be transformed by Him. God loves me, and He loves you. He thinks about you and wants to be with you every day. Did you know that? Do you really process that fact in the depths of your soul? Let God have a good 2 or 3 hours of your time at once. Maybe a half hour at a time. Anything. Just give Him your time and your heart and watch what amazing ways He will know you and love you. He deserves your love and attention in return!
2) You are able to heal more completely from past relationships. It is so important to not rush into dating or new relationships after a divorce or a breakup. Slow down. Take it easy. Regardless of whether you think you are "ready" to start over or not... you should never rush into something new.
Breathe-- and let the Holy Spirit work on your soul. Let Him minister to you so that you can begin to mend. The longer a marriage is, the longer it takes to heal from it if it were to end. These are facts I have observed and lived through. Being date-free allows you to really recover and regroup. It teaches you to cling to Jesus, not another human being. Only the Lord can heal us and make us complete to our innermost being. Remember that. I have experienced so many sweet and powerful encounters with the Spirit of God and every time He meets me, He goes deep in my soul and makes things just a little bit better, a little more like Christ. He comforts me and allows me to be real and to come clean with Him. So much "junk" has to be brought to the surface - stuff we have been harbouring for years. God knows what it is, and where it is hiding in your soul. And He knows it takes time to remove all the "shards" of hurt that are embedded in the human soul. God's healing comes to our mind and emotions most often by a process. It is rarely instantaneous. Like a skilled and experienced surgeon who will work on a heart patient for hours at a time, God will gently operate on us. It may take years, depending on how we as individuals respond to His touch. Now, would you rather God discover and remove those past hurts, or would you like them to overflow and be dumped out on a new romantic interest? Just something to think over.
3) You can develop in your calling, vocation, and passions. If you haven't taken time to develop your calling in life, this is the time to do it, while you are single and date-free. Since becoming single again, and remaining date-free, I have been blessed by the Lord to really allow my creativity flow. I have not been sitting around waiting for someone to find me. No. I have chosen to write over 25-30 songs in the past 5-6 years and I have been pressing on with my Bible lessons which I teach weekly. I have also birthed a new ministry to Christian Singles and a couple of web pages to go along with that ministry.
I have taken on the piano at church since 2007. It was a huge blessing that was actually a gift to me at a time when my personal life was falling apart and I was in deep pain. My piano ministry came through loss and pain. Yet without the loss, I would not have been engaged in piano, worship leadership, and song writing. Praise God for His ability to turn something negative into a positive!
I only talk about myself to be an example for others. I know you too have passions and a calling for God. You have something to do today.
God wants you to develop who you are and what you care about in life. He wants you to discover what HE cares about and to focus on that with Him. What is your VOCATION? What has God called you to be a STEWARD over?
In addition to that: What are you going to share with a special someone if you never develop your own calling and interests? Take this time TODAY to explore what God has laid upon your heart and do what He wants you to do. I can say for certain that expanding and exploring my creative and Biblical passions has brought me much joy and fulfillment. God has actually used my music and writing, in part, to bring me healing.
4) Save money - This is a more straightforward benefit: if you aren't dating, you aren't spending money on dates! Men and women both spend money on gifts, fuel, and other things while dating and it can be very costly (not always, but usually.) What does the Lord want you to do with your money? Ask Him! Let's be wise stewards!
5) Save time - If you are not spending time with a date, your time is free to do other things. Time is valuable, like money. Spend it wisely. If the Lord has not opened the way for you to date right now, then ask Him what He wants you to spend your TIME on.
6) Keeping your heart (Proverbs 4:23) is easier. A long and hard lesson for me, has been to keep my heart. Out of it flow the issues of life. As long as you are date-free, it becomes easier to keep your heart in a Biblical way, without becoming unreachable. Too often, those who are love-starved and crave a deep connection of significant meaning are too willing to give their heart too soon. They are willing to spill their heart. Yet that other person may just walk away or hurt you. This is not to say we should go hide in a corner and never meet new people, but it is to say that we are better able to keep a close eye on our heart when we are date-free. If God has not opened up a dating opportunity for you yet, perhaps He is helping you protect and guard your heart. Everything He does for us is out of His immense love for us.
7) It is easier to practice sexual abstinence. As a serious Bible-believing Christian, this is so huge. Sex (and cohabitation) between man and woman is designed for Biblical marriage (a covenant signed by witnesses). See Romans 13:13 KJV and Hebrews 13:4 KJV. If you remember my last post on this blog, you will recall I listed 10 benefits to practicing abstinence as a Christian Single. Plus I gave one "bonus benefit"! As long as we aren't spending any time with a person of the opposite sex, abstinence becomes easier to practice. Now it is true that other kinds of temptations will always be around, regardless of our relationship status. But if you are date-free, it is easier to guard your sexual purity. Sexual purity is very good and very beneficial to you now and also in the future!
So these are just some of the benefits I have discovered in my personal journey. In whatever circumstance you find yourself in, always seek to find the good in it, and be thankful for the benefits God has given you in it. The whole world may be screaming "It's bad to be single and without a date", but this is nonsense. Both dating and not dating have their strengths. Both marriage and singleness are proper gifts of God. One has this kind, another has that kind. (1 Corinthians 7:7). Seasons do change. Some seasons will be permanent. Others will not be so permanent. Keep seeking Jesus and His will for your singleness.
The Lord's Spirit softly whispers to those who call on (and trust in) Jesus: I am here. I am with you. My favour and grace is all you need.
Bless you!
===Sun Dec 14 2014 11:51PM EST===
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
10 Benefits To Abstinence
And now for a widely unpopular topic, with a positive spin: the Benefits of Abstinence as a Christian Single.
This post is going to be a touchy subject for many of us, but it needs to be clarified: There are many benefits to abstinence in the single life. There is a reason why God tells us to wait until marriage before having sex.
This post is going to be a touchy subject for many of us, but it needs to be clarified: There are many benefits to abstinence in the single life. There is a reason why God tells us to wait until marriage before having sex.
Keep in mind, I have been married so I know both sides of the topic I am discussing here. I have only ever been with my wife, and it was after we got married. She walked away on me, but I was true til the end of the marriage in 2009. I have since remained abstinent. And I am still alive and well!
Now before we continue, it is important I note that I am not writing this to draw attention to our past sins. We all have something negative in the past, BUT we simply confess it to Jesus and He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us TODAY. (1 John 1:9-10). That is Good News!!
You are cleared from your past if you repent and turn to Jesus!
So the point of this article today is NOT to focus on what we DID in the PAST. The past is covered in the Blood of Jesus and forgiven. Rather it is to focus on what we practice TODAY! Today is the day we are in, and today is the day we can make a choice to either stay pure, or get pure. This post is meant to encourage and challenge you, and also to help generate new thoughts.
Scripture teaches that sex is designed by God ONLY for marriage (a licenced covenant wedding with signed witnesses), and so is cohabitation between man and woman. See Romans 13:13- "chambering" is disallowed (Greek: KOYTAY- means both sex and cohabitation) and Hebrews 13:4 "Marriage" (Greek: GAMOS) makes the "bed" (Greek: KOYTAY) pure. (Read in the King James version or the Geneva Version).
Romans 13:13 KJV
13Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
13So that we walk honestly, as in the day: not in gluttony, and drunkenness, neither in chambering and wantonness, nor in strife and envying.
Hebrews 13:4 KJV
4Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
4 Marriage is honourable among all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Those of us who are single, or single-again need to find encouragement not in what we CAN'T do, but in what benefits we DO have as singles!
There are 10 benefits (at least) to sexual abstinence as a Christian Single:
1) There is a GODLY REWARD for keeping God's Word. (Psa. 19:7-14)
2) You stay UNTANGLED IN CONSCIENCE and EMOTIONS - keep your emotions and spirit from being entangled with people who have no intention of loving you or marrying you. And it keeps your conscience clear. Sometimes WE are the one doing the hurting, sometimes we are BEING hurt. Either way, abstaining from sex outside of marriage is a great way to minimize hurts and entanglements.
3) HEALTH - prevent the further spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
4) PREGNANCY PREVENTION- Prevent unexpected/
5) WORTH - you elevate your SELF WORTH when you abstain from sexual relations outside of marriage.
Do you know your identity? Who are you in Christ? (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) You are a HOLY TEMPLE! Your Body has been purchased by God with the blood of the Lamb!
A man of self-worth in Christ will say: "Only the woman who marries me is worthy of this temple of the Spirit- which is my body."
A woman of self-worth in Christ will say: "Only the man who marries me is worthy of this temple of the Spirit- which is my body."
We are made in the image of God. And God operates in covenants, like marriage, when it comes to relationships.
6) BECOME STRONGER AT SELF CONTROL - Self control -temperance- is a fruit of the Spirit. No one is perfect at it, but we can all work at it by God's grace! It is highly valued by God and is very essential to living a non-destrucive lifestyle. Everyone needs self control!
What is better? A proper dam that blocks/
7) CLEARER PERSPECTIVE - if and when you are dating, it is already tough to stay objective and try to guage where you are at in a relationship. Practicing sexual abstinence gives you a CUTTING EDGE of PERSPECTIVE that others will not have as a single in the dating world. Some will give their body in a relationship where the sex is nice, but everything else is a disaster. They often cannot see clearly enough to end the relationship, nor do they usually find the will power to do so, because the flesh hates to give up sex once it has been experienced.
8) HEALTHIER ATTITUDE TO RELATIONSHIPS in general- we are a spirit, we have a soul, and we live in a body. (1 Thess. 5:23) The Spirit comes first. We must live by the Spirit, and let the soul (mind, will and emotions) and body be ruled by our spirit. When we realize that people are spiritual beings FIRST, before they are soulish or sexual, we begin to approach relationships differently. We begin to focus on spirit and soul more than the body.
By practicing abstinence til marriage, we are allowing ourselves to see others' spirit and soul more.
9) ENHANCES SELFLESSNESS - Abstinence is an AWESOME way to practice being selfless, and to focus on serving others before yourself.
10) You are PRESERVED and PURE!
If the son mentioned in Proverbs 5:1-14 was wise, he would stay clear of fornication and adultery and enjoy the benefits:
Protection of honour and mercy (v9)
Protection of strength and labour (v10)
Protection of flesh and body (v11).
BONUS BENEFIT: 11) ELEVATES SEX to a place of honour, as within marriage. If you have a high opinion of sex as I do, then you will see the BENEFIT to waiting until marriage. It tells everyone, including any person you date, how special you think the sexual union is and how special God made it to be.
If you stay away from the wrong influences and act like your temple is WORTH something to God, and to others, and to yourself then you will see the BENEFITS to abstinence! Don't panic if this was not your way before. As I said, Jesus is more than willing to forgive and cleanse you. Just confess to Him, right here, right now. Let Him set you on this amazing path. It is a disciplined one, and unpopular in the world. It is difficult at times. It will test you. Rely on the Holy Spirit, because it is so very rewarding, and easy on the conscience.
God bless!
Dec 4th 2014 1:03am EST
Saturday, November 8, 2014
God loves you, divorced or not
Today, and every day, God loves you fully. Believe Jesus and He will dwell with you in Spirit. He has held nothing back from you except for that which would harm you in your walk with Him. Go ahead and ask the Lord for what you desire, and be prepared to wait on His times and seasons. Bear the fruit of His character. (John 15:16; Gal 5:22-23) Be forgiving.
Believe me when I tell you: He cares about and has compassion on our tragedies like divorce, and sees the soul who longs to love and to be loved and says: "I still love you child. Do you love Me?"
Others may have abandoned you or cheated you or betrayed you. But God is still here, faithful and righteous. He is here right now. God loves YOU, and does not see you as a "number" or a "marital status". As a believer in Jesus, He sees you as one of His sons (or daughters) of God! Don't run into the arms of another person out of fear or out of loneliness. Run into the arms of the Lord first. Let Him hold you for a while, even a year or two or more. Don't worry if no one is in your personal romantic life just yet. God is sufficient for this time. Spend time in your local church. Serve the people. Fellowship in the Body of Christ! Don't hide. I speak this as one who has walked the "single again" life for over 5 years. By God's grace and strength alone, I continue this walk.
1 John chapter 3 has been water to my soul today. Drink it in.
Take time to commune with the Lord today, and also to read the chapter. Here are some verses that really stand out to me. The Spirit has made them come alive to my spirit.
1 John 3 (Geveva Version)
1 Behold, what LOVE the Father hath given to us, that we should be called the sons of God: For this cause this world knoweth you not, because it knoweth not him.
16 Hereby have we perceived love, that he laid down his life for us: therefore we ought also to lay down our lives for the brethren.---
19 For thereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall before him assure our hearts.
20 For if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
21 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we boldness toward God.22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things which are pleasing in his sight.---
23 This is then his commandment, that we believe in the Name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave commandment.---
Does God not deserve our best in service today? Help your brothers and sisters in Christ. Be an outlet of love in Jesus who is the Way he Truth and the Life.
And as we serve in love, and gladness, know that you may ask the Lord in holiness for what you desire. Do not let your heart condemn you, for John tells us, God is greater than our very heart! I think many divorced Christians who were faithful still struggle to move on and ask God for a new chapter in life. There may be pockets of self-condemnation left. There does not need to be any such self-condemnation. Jesus has paid for it all on the cross, including our own sins. We walk in the Spirit, NOT in condemnation. But if you still struggle with self-condemnation, God understands you. I understand you too. (Read my story on this blog.) That is what John was conveying in verse 20. But how much more boldness you will gain in God in the day when you are able to release all your faults and fears to Jesus and walk in freedom!
Perhaps you are hoping to find a new spouse. Then just ask. Don't condemn yourself, for God is hearing you. But another important thing to ask God is for the purpose behind this season you are currently in. Ask God to help you serve others selflessly, just as Jesus did. A season of loss is like a pruning of the branch. It actually works to help you bear MORE fruit in Christ, not less. We need to see the Love of God in a greater scope. May God give us spiritual eyes! I sense that I may be writing on this topic some more: the relationship between bearing fruit and prayer requests.
God bless you! Walk in His Spirit and His Love today and every day.
- Pastor Curtis
Sat. Nov 8, 2014 7:08AM EST
Believe me when I tell you: He cares about and has compassion on our tragedies like divorce, and sees the soul who longs to love and to be loved and says: "I still love you child. Do you love Me?"
Others may have abandoned you or cheated you or betrayed you. But God is still here, faithful and righteous. He is here right now. God loves YOU, and does not see you as a "number" or a "marital status". As a believer in Jesus, He sees you as one of His sons (or daughters) of God! Don't run into the arms of another person out of fear or out of loneliness. Run into the arms of the Lord first. Let Him hold you for a while, even a year or two or more. Don't worry if no one is in your personal romantic life just yet. God is sufficient for this time. Spend time in your local church. Serve the people. Fellowship in the Body of Christ! Don't hide. I speak this as one who has walked the "single again" life for over 5 years. By God's grace and strength alone, I continue this walk.
1 John chapter 3 has been water to my soul today. Drink it in.
Take time to commune with the Lord today, and also to read the chapter. Here are some verses that really stand out to me. The Spirit has made them come alive to my spirit.
1 John 3 (Geveva Version)
1 Behold, what LOVE the Father hath given to us, that we should be called the sons of God: For this cause this world knoweth you not, because it knoweth not him.
16 Hereby have we perceived love, that he laid down his life for us: therefore we ought also to lay down our lives for the brethren.---
19 For thereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall before him assure our hearts.
20 For if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
21 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we boldness toward God.22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things which are pleasing in his sight.---
23 This is then his commandment, that we believe in the Name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave commandment.---
Does God not deserve our best in service today? Help your brothers and sisters in Christ. Be an outlet of love in Jesus who is the Way he Truth and the Life.
And as we serve in love, and gladness, know that you may ask the Lord in holiness for what you desire. Do not let your heart condemn you, for John tells us, God is greater than our very heart! I think many divorced Christians who were faithful still struggle to move on and ask God for a new chapter in life. There may be pockets of self-condemnation left. There does not need to be any such self-condemnation. Jesus has paid for it all on the cross, including our own sins. We walk in the Spirit, NOT in condemnation. But if you still struggle with self-condemnation, God understands you. I understand you too. (Read my story on this blog.) That is what John was conveying in verse 20. But how much more boldness you will gain in God in the day when you are able to release all your faults and fears to Jesus and walk in freedom!
Perhaps you are hoping to find a new spouse. Then just ask. Don't condemn yourself, for God is hearing you. But another important thing to ask God is for the purpose behind this season you are currently in. Ask God to help you serve others selflessly, just as Jesus did. A season of loss is like a pruning of the branch. It actually works to help you bear MORE fruit in Christ, not less. We need to see the Love of God in a greater scope. May God give us spiritual eyes! I sense that I may be writing on this topic some more: the relationship between bearing fruit and prayer requests.
God bless you! Walk in His Spirit and His Love today and every day.
- Pastor Curtis
Sat. Nov 8, 2014 7:08AM EST
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Follow Those Things Which Concern Peace
I wanted us all to take a close look at the book of Romans chapter 14.
Romans 14:5 (GENEVA) This man esteemeth one day above another day, and another man counteth every day alike: let every man be fully persuaded in his mind.
Rom 14:6a He that observeth the day, observeth it to the Lord: and he that observeth not the day, observeth it not to the Lord...
Rom 14:9 For Christ therefore died and rose again, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and the quick.
Rom 14:10 But why dost thou condemn thy brother? or why dost thou despise thy brother? for we shall all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
Rom 14:14 I know, and am persuaded through the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but unto him that judgeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.
Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God, is not meat nor drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the holy Ghost.
Rom 14:18-23
18 For whosoever in these things serveth Christ, is acceptable unto God, and is approved of men.
19 Let us then follow those things which concern peace, and wherewith one may edify another.
20 Destroy not the work of God for meat’s sake: all things indeed are pure: but it is evil for the man which eateth with offense.
21 It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or made weak.
22 Hast thou faith? have it with thyself before God: blessed is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.
23 For he that doubteth, is condemned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: and whatsoever is not of faith, is sin.
The day of halloween is a troubling time for me, but not for the reasons you might think. Yes, I'll admit it is my least favourite occasion. I have personal reasons to downplay halloween as a normal, average day. I don't force those reasons on anyone else. But people often have trouble understanding me when they inquire. It's ok.
I do my very best to honour Paul's advice in Romans 14 and let the main thing BE the main thing. That Christ died and then rose again, in order to have a redeemed people for Himself, that is the main thing!
I am not here to convince you of my opinion on halloween. I have Bible verses I use, but I won't use them here. If someone asks, I tell. And I know you as a believer, beloved of Christ, might have an opinion and set of verses different than my own. I will save you the trouble:
you won't convince me of your opinion any more than I will convince you of my own.
What really matters is that we are all saved by the grace of Christ, as we confess Jesus as Lord. Days come and days go, but is it the Lord Jesus you know?
However you choose to handle halloween, or any other day for that matter is your personal business between you and Jesus. If you have the faith to do something, and you do it unto Christ, He accepts it.
If you do NOT have faith to accept something, then do not ACCEPT or PRACTICE it. Paul clearly teaches that if one does not have the faith to celebrate a day (or eat a type of food) then do not celebrate it!
Whatsoever is not of FAITH is sin. So please don't allow yourself to be pressured to do something you don't have faith for. You are still a valid believer in the Body of Christ!
I am perfectly happy to honour Reformation Day on October 31st. It is the day in 1517 when Martin Luther is said to have nailed his 95 thesis statements on the door of the church at Wittenburg.
I can celebrate this day, because it marks a period of time when sincere believers rediscovered the Biblical doctrine of justification by grace alone. That is something I can get behind and rejoice in. And it happens to fall on October 31st. It may be something for you to focus on as well. I leave that up to you.
Now, to get to the trouble I have: satan has a work he does on days such as halloween. It's not the death-themes or evil looking costumes I am referring to.
It's the strife and division amongst the saints. I must say that satan does not care what you
believe about halloween or Christmas traditions or Easter traditions. What he cares about is that you pick a side and then judge those who are on the other side of the argument. ANYthing to take the focus off of Jesus the LORD who paid for our sins in His Blood! The last thing satan wants is for the blood of Jesus to take effect on all souls who come to be cleansed by it.
As long as we are arguing about days or foods, we are no longer edifying each other or blessing Jesus Christ our Lord and God.
That is indeed what troubles me. And yet, I am with hope. I firmly believe in Love. Truth and Love are found perfectly united in Christ. And no day or food or tradition is going to stop me from loving and respecting my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I don't have to agree with them on the small stuff in order to love them. My opinion of days or foods is of less importance than your salvation. Your opinion of days and foods is also secondary to my own salvation. I never want you to lose faith in Christ or stumble because of my mere opinion. I'm allowed to have an opinion, as long as I don't use it to wound others. The same goes for all believers, you, me, and all the saints.
Jesus loves you and me the same, and He expects us to respect one another and be mindful of our equal footing as citizens of heaven.
We need to remember it is Christ who unites us, not the traditions/days/foods of man. The observance of days cannot save us, or win souls. Only the preaching of the Gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit will accomplish that.
And since the keeping of days is a type of works, we know that no one is saved or condemned by the days they keep.
People are saved by GRACE when they confess Jesus as Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead. (Romans 10:9) They are condemned if they do not believe Jesus (Mark 16:16). That is all there is to it. There is no work that can save us, but the work Jesus already accomplished on the cross at Calvary!
Ephesians 2:5
Even when we were dead by sins, hath quickened us together in Christ, by whose grace ye are saved,
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God
Let us take the Bible's advice, and "follow those things which concern peace, and wherewith one may edify another." (Rom. 14:19)
God bless! With Love in Christ.
Sat. Nov. 1st 2014 8:52PM
Romans 14:5 (GENEVA) This man esteemeth one day above another day, and another man counteth every day alike: let every man be fully persuaded in his mind.
Rom 14:6a He that observeth the day, observeth it to the Lord: and he that observeth not the day, observeth it not to the Lord...
Rom 14:9 For Christ therefore died and rose again, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and the quick.
Rom 14:10 But why dost thou condemn thy brother? or why dost thou despise thy brother? for we shall all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
Rom 14:14 I know, and am persuaded through the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but unto him that judgeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.
Rom 14:17 For the kingdom of God, is not meat nor drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the holy Ghost.
Rom 14:18-23
18 For whosoever in these things serveth Christ, is acceptable unto God, and is approved of men.
19 Let us then follow those things which concern peace, and wherewith one may edify another.
20 Destroy not the work of God for meat’s sake: all things indeed are pure: but it is evil for the man which eateth with offense.
21 It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or made weak.
22 Hast thou faith? have it with thyself before God: blessed is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.
23 For he that doubteth, is condemned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: and whatsoever is not of faith, is sin.
The day of halloween is a troubling time for me, but not for the reasons you might think. Yes, I'll admit it is my least favourite occasion. I have personal reasons to downplay halloween as a normal, average day. I don't force those reasons on anyone else. But people often have trouble understanding me when they inquire. It's ok.
I do my very best to honour Paul's advice in Romans 14 and let the main thing BE the main thing. That Christ died and then rose again, in order to have a redeemed people for Himself, that is the main thing!
I am not here to convince you of my opinion on halloween. I have Bible verses I use, but I won't use them here. If someone asks, I tell. And I know you as a believer, beloved of Christ, might have an opinion and set of verses different than my own. I will save you the trouble:
you won't convince me of your opinion any more than I will convince you of my own.
What really matters is that we are all saved by the grace of Christ, as we confess Jesus as Lord. Days come and days go, but is it the Lord Jesus you know?
However you choose to handle halloween, or any other day for that matter is your personal business between you and Jesus. If you have the faith to do something, and you do it unto Christ, He accepts it.
If you do NOT have faith to accept something, then do not ACCEPT or PRACTICE it. Paul clearly teaches that if one does not have the faith to celebrate a day (or eat a type of food) then do not celebrate it!
Whatsoever is not of FAITH is sin. So please don't allow yourself to be pressured to do something you don't have faith for. You are still a valid believer in the Body of Christ!
I am perfectly happy to honour Reformation Day on October 31st. It is the day in 1517 when Martin Luther is said to have nailed his 95 thesis statements on the door of the church at Wittenburg.
I can celebrate this day, because it marks a period of time when sincere believers rediscovered the Biblical doctrine of justification by grace alone. That is something I can get behind and rejoice in. And it happens to fall on October 31st. It may be something for you to focus on as well. I leave that up to you.
Now, to get to the trouble I have: satan has a work he does on days such as halloween. It's not the death-themes or evil looking costumes I am referring to.
It's the strife and division amongst the saints. I must say that satan does not care what you
believe about halloween or Christmas traditions or Easter traditions. What he cares about is that you pick a side and then judge those who are on the other side of the argument. ANYthing to take the focus off of Jesus the LORD who paid for our sins in His Blood! The last thing satan wants is for the blood of Jesus to take effect on all souls who come to be cleansed by it.
As long as we are arguing about days or foods, we are no longer edifying each other or blessing Jesus Christ our Lord and God.
That is indeed what troubles me. And yet, I am with hope. I firmly believe in Love. Truth and Love are found perfectly united in Christ. And no day or food or tradition is going to stop me from loving and respecting my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I don't have to agree with them on the small stuff in order to love them. My opinion of days or foods is of less importance than your salvation. Your opinion of days and foods is also secondary to my own salvation. I never want you to lose faith in Christ or stumble because of my mere opinion. I'm allowed to have an opinion, as long as I don't use it to wound others. The same goes for all believers, you, me, and all the saints.
Jesus loves you and me the same, and He expects us to respect one another and be mindful of our equal footing as citizens of heaven.
We need to remember it is Christ who unites us, not the traditions/days/foods of man. The observance of days cannot save us, or win souls. Only the preaching of the Gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit will accomplish that.
And since the keeping of days is a type of works, we know that no one is saved or condemned by the days they keep.
People are saved by GRACE when they confess Jesus as Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead. (Romans 10:9) They are condemned if they do not believe Jesus (Mark 16:16). That is all there is to it. There is no work that can save us, but the work Jesus already accomplished on the cross at Calvary!
Ephesians 2:5
Even when we were dead by sins, hath quickened us together in Christ, by whose grace ye are saved,
Ephesians 2:8
For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God
Let us take the Bible's advice, and "follow those things which concern peace, and wherewith one may edify another." (Rom. 14:19)
God bless! With Love in Christ.
Sat. Nov. 1st 2014 8:52PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
A Positive Word on a Sad Day
This afternoon I was visiting my parents. I was talking with my father, a Godly man who moves in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He operates in the gift of word of Knowledge from time to time. He explained to me that he felt the Lord telling him yesterday that my sister would contact him (she lives out of town). The very next day, today, she did in fact call my parents out of the blue. My father is in tune with the Holy Spirit and this is just one of many examples. He hears very well from the Lord. For this reason, and many others, I take what he speaks to heart. As for dad, he is humble and gives God all the glory, for God deserves all of it!
Now, after telling me that story, he says that he wants to tell me what the Lord has impressed upon him in the last day or so. He said he has been praying for me and felt the Lord say that something good is coming my way.
I told him "I receive it" and thanked him for relaying God's message to me. I needed to hear that. I am used to hearing a mix of positive and negative words from various sources. The negative ones I hand over to God because I can't carry them! But this word was very positive!
See, my dad did not know that today was the exact day of my divorce, 5 years ago. He knew I was divorced, but not the exact day. Nobody, not even I, was thinking of it. (Read my blog post on here called "Thankful Reflections" from Feb. 19, 2013, to learn my story.) And after he spoke to me, I suddenly remembered that this is in fact the day my divorce was legal and final. Well over six years ago, my dad knew, by the power of the Holy Spirit, that something was about to happen to my marriage, just before the breakup actually happened. He was prepared when the news actually came to him. God revealed it to him to prepare him to pray. God knew I was going to need it. Again, I take the words of my dad to heart because he is in tune with the Lord.
October 15th has been a sad day these past 5 years. A day of loss and heartbreak and of a world crashing down.
Yet it birthed a new season, out of which was born healing, blessings, music, peace and ministry. Those things were gifts from the Lord that I gave to others out of my singleness. In that way, singleness has been a gift, and a ministry, just as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7:7 and throughout the chapter.
Since that time, challenges and trials were there in work, ministry and home life, along with much blessing. And I was grateful. Ups and downs occurred. But I stayed on track and steadfast with the help of Jesus Christ my Lord. God has made improvements in my character and my habits and life. All glory is to Him! Also, I have not dated since the divorce, for reasons I only have partial understanding of. God knows my times and seasons and that is good enough for me.
So as sad as this day is, the Lord has given me a new and powerful word of hope that breathes life into a day like today. God is turning my day around, and making sadness into gladness. I don't know the specifics of the "good" that is coming, and neither does my dad. But I know God IS good, and He is willing and able to bring something good and fresh my way! It truly encouraged me to hear this word today, of all days. I know it was not a coincidence. And it inspires hope.
So I am writing this post now, to agree with the prophetic word given. I am ready for a positive change in my life, a miracle from the LORD. I am ready for something good to bud on these branches that have been thoroughly pruned.
-- Wed. Oct. 15, 2014 8:43PM EST
Now, after telling me that story, he says that he wants to tell me what the Lord has impressed upon him in the last day or so. He said he has been praying for me and felt the Lord say that something good is coming my way.
I told him "I receive it" and thanked him for relaying God's message to me. I needed to hear that. I am used to hearing a mix of positive and negative words from various sources. The negative ones I hand over to God because I can't carry them! But this word was very positive!
See, my dad did not know that today was the exact day of my divorce, 5 years ago. He knew I was divorced, but not the exact day. Nobody, not even I, was thinking of it. (Read my blog post on here called "Thankful Reflections" from Feb. 19, 2013, to learn my story.) And after he spoke to me, I suddenly remembered that this is in fact the day my divorce was legal and final. Well over six years ago, my dad knew, by the power of the Holy Spirit, that something was about to happen to my marriage, just before the breakup actually happened. He was prepared when the news actually came to him. God revealed it to him to prepare him to pray. God knew I was going to need it. Again, I take the words of my dad to heart because he is in tune with the Lord.
October 15th has been a sad day these past 5 years. A day of loss and heartbreak and of a world crashing down.
Yet it birthed a new season, out of which was born healing, blessings, music, peace and ministry. Those things were gifts from the Lord that I gave to others out of my singleness. In that way, singleness has been a gift, and a ministry, just as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7:7 and throughout the chapter.
Since that time, challenges and trials were there in work, ministry and home life, along with much blessing. And I was grateful. Ups and downs occurred. But I stayed on track and steadfast with the help of Jesus Christ my Lord. God has made improvements in my character and my habits and life. All glory is to Him! Also, I have not dated since the divorce, for reasons I only have partial understanding of. God knows my times and seasons and that is good enough for me.
Spring blossoms- Photograph by Curtis J. Alexander (c) 2008 |
So as sad as this day is, the Lord has given me a new and powerful word of hope that breathes life into a day like today. God is turning my day around, and making sadness into gladness. I don't know the specifics of the "good" that is coming, and neither does my dad. But I know God IS good, and He is willing and able to bring something good and fresh my way! It truly encouraged me to hear this word today, of all days. I know it was not a coincidence. And it inspires hope.
So I am writing this post now, to agree with the prophetic word given. I am ready for a positive change in my life, a miracle from the LORD. I am ready for something good to bud on these branches that have been thoroughly pruned.
-- Wed. Oct. 15, 2014 8:43PM EST
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Man of God Prayer List
Man Of God Prayer List
I would like to invite you. If you are divorced, widowed, or single, and a Christian man, please contact me. I would like to add you to my prayer list. God spoke to me and told me to move beyond my self I must pray for other men. Why? Because I know what they are feeling. I understand the pain of divorce, abandonment, and sudden loss of marriage. I understand what it is to be in ministry and have a wife just give up and walk away. Being faithful is not always easy, but I was in the Grace of God. There are other men like this.
Now, I want to pour my heart and pain into the prayer bowls of heaven for the men God has placed on my heart. My list is up on my wall, and it will be right in the area where I am usually my weakest in the flesh. It will be a two-edged sword against temptation and satan.
Men of God, arise. Jesus has a powerful purpose for you, regardless of what people say or do to you. It does not matter what your status is, or your past. You are forgiven and pure in the blood and grace of Christ. You have a job to do for Christ. Be mighty! That is what He enables you to BE!
Women of God, your purpose is also secure in Christ, regardless of the hurts people have inflicted on you.
Know that I have nothing but compassion and understanding for you all. Faithfulness is sometimes met with abandonment and cheating sadly. Both sexes are both prone to sin. But no matter what, God rewards faithfulness! Be faithful to Christ and His Body. Be faithful to each other. God can forgive those who were unfaithful. Just come to Jesus in repentance and a pure heart.
My divorce will be 5 years old as of Oct. 15. I will resist the temptation to feel sorry for myself. Yes, dating has been non-existent for me. Not sure of all the reasons. But instead of worrying about it, I will arm myself with God's weapons of prayer and praise, in the power of the Holy Ghost and with a deep compassion and tears for the saints. So many faithful men, although not perfect, have been faithful as I was. But they experienced loss. Some are experiencing loss right now and are in the midst of the storm. So I will pray for them.
And bear in mind, this is a no-hold-barred prayer list. As I have experienced deep pruning, and removal of personal flaws, and shaping in my life as a man, so will you. If you ask to be on my list, expect God to shape His character in you, and expect Him to deal with hidden sin in your life. We all have to come to the light. Expect His comfort and healing and love and purpose to be made clear to you. We all have much more to do for Him. I am NOT at my destination and I still need prayer myself. I still have growing to do myself. Pray for me too, please! But thank the Lord He has shaped me more, and delivered me from a lot of my fleshly tendencies. All by Grace. I simply agreed with Him and came to the light.
My No-Holds-Barred Prayer list:
I will pray for men of God on my list. Some of the things I will pray:
- Power to serve God without distraction, and in holiness, by the power of the Holy Spirit, especially for the single, divorced and widowed men of God.
- Power to heal from past hurts/divorces/deaths
- Power to have self control over one's own body by the Spirit of God.
- Power to overcome hidden sins, such as pornography, eye lust, mind lust, or wrongful online chats etc.
- Poweful and Healing, Peace, and Comfort of the Holy Ghost.
- The power to meet a true woman of God and marry at the right time. This may not apply to you if you are single and do NOT desire a wife. I know men like that, but most men do desire marriage. Both paths are perfectly fine.
- Poweful Patience (AKA Cheerful endurance)!
- Powerful Joy (AKA Calm delight).
- Power to find your identity ONLY in Christ Jesus.
- Power to heal marriages that are suffering right now.
- For separated married men to stay faithful to their wife, even if it ends in divorce (reconciliation is ideal, but it doesn't always happen.) You are not single until either you are legally divorced or a widower. Stay true til the end, whatever end it is! You are not free to date as a separated person, because you are still legally and spiritually bound by your marriage. (This is a very tough test, but by God's grace, I did honour my marriage til the end. I did not date anyone else. When I was separated, I just kept trying to call my wife to take her place beside me.) Now, if you fail, then don't panic! Repent, and let God correct your actions. He will forgive you! Dating is for legal singles only. I was not kidding when I said my prayers are "no holds barred"! We must wrestle the flesh into submission by the power of Christ!
- For single Christian men to date the opposite sex wisely in Christ, and not be too hurried. And that there will be NO premarital sex or cohabitation (no "Chambering" -see Romans 13:13 in the KJV or Geneva Version). As a follower of Christ, we must honour God's standards. Sex and cohabitation are exclusively reserved by God, for a man and woman who are legally married, and have had the wedding certificate signed by witnesses.
- Power to trust all your unmet desires to Christ and let Him satisfy your soul like no one else can.
- Power to ASK God and BELIEVE God. He will still answer your prayers! The timing is up to Him, but He is faithful always. There is no shame in asking Him for what you desire! Your desires matter to God! Just be sure to honour HIS desires above your own.
And women of God, if you are reading this, perhaps it is time you expanded your vision to start a prayer list for women you relate to. Pray for them every day. Women also have many struggles and you may be just the right person to intercede for them.
There is no doubt you probably already have such a list.
Men, if you have a prayer list, please add me!
Men in Christ: contact me privately at curtis.alexander@sympatico.ca if you want me to add you to my prayer list. You don't have to give all the details, if you don't wish to. Just tell me what your status is and that you are looking for prayer.
God bless you in Christ!
Pastor Curtis
Thurs. Oct. 2, 2014, 2:18pm EST
I would like to invite you. If you are divorced, widowed, or single, and a Christian man, please contact me. I would like to add you to my prayer list. God spoke to me and told me to move beyond my self I must pray for other men. Why? Because I know what they are feeling. I understand the pain of divorce, abandonment, and sudden loss of marriage. I understand what it is to be in ministry and have a wife just give up and walk away. Being faithful is not always easy, but I was in the Grace of God. There are other men like this.
Now, I want to pour my heart and pain into the prayer bowls of heaven for the men God has placed on my heart. My list is up on my wall, and it will be right in the area where I am usually my weakest in the flesh. It will be a two-edged sword against temptation and satan.
Men of God, arise. Jesus has a powerful purpose for you, regardless of what people say or do to you. It does not matter what your status is, or your past. You are forgiven and pure in the blood and grace of Christ. You have a job to do for Christ. Be mighty! That is what He enables you to BE!
Women of God, your purpose is also secure in Christ, regardless of the hurts people have inflicted on you.
Know that I have nothing but compassion and understanding for you all. Faithfulness is sometimes met with abandonment and cheating sadly. Both sexes are both prone to sin. But no matter what, God rewards faithfulness! Be faithful to Christ and His Body. Be faithful to each other. God can forgive those who were unfaithful. Just come to Jesus in repentance and a pure heart.
My divorce will be 5 years old as of Oct. 15. I will resist the temptation to feel sorry for myself. Yes, dating has been non-existent for me. Not sure of all the reasons. But instead of worrying about it, I will arm myself with God's weapons of prayer and praise, in the power of the Holy Ghost and with a deep compassion and tears for the saints. So many faithful men, although not perfect, have been faithful as I was. But they experienced loss. Some are experiencing loss right now and are in the midst of the storm. So I will pray for them.
And bear in mind, this is a no-hold-barred prayer list. As I have experienced deep pruning, and removal of personal flaws, and shaping in my life as a man, so will you. If you ask to be on my list, expect God to shape His character in you, and expect Him to deal with hidden sin in your life. We all have to come to the light. Expect His comfort and healing and love and purpose to be made clear to you. We all have much more to do for Him. I am NOT at my destination and I still need prayer myself. I still have growing to do myself. Pray for me too, please! But thank the Lord He has shaped me more, and delivered me from a lot of my fleshly tendencies. All by Grace. I simply agreed with Him and came to the light.
My No-Holds-Barred Prayer list:
I will pray for men of God on my list. Some of the things I will pray:
- Power to serve God without distraction, and in holiness, by the power of the Holy Spirit, especially for the single, divorced and widowed men of God.
- Power to heal from past hurts/divorces/deaths
- Power to have self control over one's own body by the Spirit of God.
- Power to overcome hidden sins, such as pornography, eye lust, mind lust, or wrongful online chats etc.
- Poweful and Healing, Peace, and Comfort of the Holy Ghost.
- The power to meet a true woman of God and marry at the right time. This may not apply to you if you are single and do NOT desire a wife. I know men like that, but most men do desire marriage. Both paths are perfectly fine.
- Poweful Patience (AKA Cheerful endurance)!
- Powerful Joy (AKA Calm delight).
- Power to find your identity ONLY in Christ Jesus.
- Power to heal marriages that are suffering right now.
- For separated married men to stay faithful to their wife, even if it ends in divorce (reconciliation is ideal, but it doesn't always happen.) You are not single until either you are legally divorced or a widower. Stay true til the end, whatever end it is! You are not free to date as a separated person, because you are still legally and spiritually bound by your marriage. (This is a very tough test, but by God's grace, I did honour my marriage til the end. I did not date anyone else. When I was separated, I just kept trying to call my wife to take her place beside me.) Now, if you fail, then don't panic! Repent, and let God correct your actions. He will forgive you! Dating is for legal singles only. I was not kidding when I said my prayers are "no holds barred"! We must wrestle the flesh into submission by the power of Christ!
- For single Christian men to date the opposite sex wisely in Christ, and not be too hurried. And that there will be NO premarital sex or cohabitation (no "Chambering" -see Romans 13:13 in the KJV or Geneva Version). As a follower of Christ, we must honour God's standards. Sex and cohabitation are exclusively reserved by God, for a man and woman who are legally married, and have had the wedding certificate signed by witnesses.
- Power to trust all your unmet desires to Christ and let Him satisfy your soul like no one else can.
- Power to ASK God and BELIEVE God. He will still answer your prayers! The timing is up to Him, but He is faithful always. There is no shame in asking Him for what you desire! Your desires matter to God! Just be sure to honour HIS desires above your own.
And women of God, if you are reading this, perhaps it is time you expanded your vision to start a prayer list for women you relate to. Pray for them every day. Women also have many struggles and you may be just the right person to intercede for them.
There is no doubt you probably already have such a list.
Men, if you have a prayer list, please add me!
Men in Christ: contact me privately at curtis.alexander@sympatico.ca if you want me to add you to my prayer list. You don't have to give all the details, if you don't wish to. Just tell me what your status is and that you are looking for prayer.
God bless you in Christ!
Pastor Curtis
Thurs. Oct. 2, 2014, 2:18pm EST
Thursday, September 25, 2014
It Is Reasonable To Serve Christ
"I Beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye give up your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable serving of God."
Romans 12:1 (1599 GNV)
Serving God as a Christian believer is the most reasonable thing to do. Afterall, Jesus gave the ultimate gift and died for our sins. And then He rose again and gave gifts to His followers. And it is powerful.
So, God will not ask for a service that is unreasonable. He will always accept the gift that you offer Him if it is done in love, holiness, and in the Name of Jesus.
We all strive to offer the sacrifice of praise and worship. We all offer our time and prayer. We all strive to read the Word and let Him speak to us.
Offering our bodies to God as a living sacrifice is a gift we give to God. It is a holy, pure, and acceptable gift in the blood of Jesus. It is also holy because we make choices to stay pure in day to day living. But being in the blood of Jesus is crucial.
Though we all share similarities in how we offer our bodies as a gift to God, it will also depend on whether we are single or married, and whether we have children or not.
Those believers who are married are serving God by serving their spouse and offering their body to their spouse. And what a gift that is. This most certainly includes the holy union of marital sex. But also goes beyond sex to everyday living. We offer ourselves to our spouse out of our love for God and thus, we help our spouse with any daily task or offer any affection or understanding they may need. That is acceptable and holy to God. A true gift. And the married person also pleases God by taking time to serve Him in the church. But such time is lessened by their responsibilities at home.
You as a married person, are giving to God, and to your spouse, and to your church. God loves a holy acceptable sacrifice, a gift of love and faithfulness.
A single person offers their body to God with the same blood of Jesus and same holiness. Yet there are different aspects: the single person offers their gift to God with more focus on ministry and on blessing other believers in the church. They have more time for that kind of ministry. This is a true gift that you are giving as a single believer: to God and to those God loves: your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Single people typically have more time. It is reasonable to offer that time as a sacrifice and a gift to God and His people.
And for singles with children, they have the time to bless their children, and raise them to believe on Christ and to discipline them to go to church as believers (Hebrews 10:25). That is a special and precious gift they have: to be able to raise children in holy reverence to God and to show them the value of regular fellowship and service! By raising children, either with or without a spouse, that is another way in which we offer our bodies to God. God loves your children and desires to see them succeed in Him! He is well-pleased with your sacrifice to Him in raising them up. He knows it is not easy. Again, this is a true gift. You are giving it to God and to your children. Also, single parents can serve in the church and teach their children to do the same. Another precious gift.
Whatever you do with your body and whatever gifts you have in your life, offer it back to God as a gift. Serve and lead with your heart stayed on God. We all have different gifts to draw from: time, a spouse, and/or children. But we are all gifted. Christ in our hearts is the greatest gift of all!
The key is this: The gifts we receive from Jesus are not -really- for us... They are for us to give! We give to God and we give to each other. Be holy and be reasonable: serve Jesus! He loves you and accepts you in Himself.
God bless!
Pastor Curtis
Thur. Sept. 25, 2014 5:06 PM EST
Romans 12:1 (1599 GNV)
Serving God as a Christian believer is the most reasonable thing to do. Afterall, Jesus gave the ultimate gift and died for our sins. And then He rose again and gave gifts to His followers. And it is powerful.
So, God will not ask for a service that is unreasonable. He will always accept the gift that you offer Him if it is done in love, holiness, and in the Name of Jesus.
We all strive to offer the sacrifice of praise and worship. We all offer our time and prayer. We all strive to read the Word and let Him speak to us.
Offering our bodies to God as a living sacrifice is a gift we give to God. It is a holy, pure, and acceptable gift in the blood of Jesus. It is also holy because we make choices to stay pure in day to day living. But being in the blood of Jesus is crucial.
Though we all share similarities in how we offer our bodies as a gift to God, it will also depend on whether we are single or married, and whether we have children or not.
Those believers who are married are serving God by serving their spouse and offering their body to their spouse. And what a gift that is. This most certainly includes the holy union of marital sex. But also goes beyond sex to everyday living. We offer ourselves to our spouse out of our love for God and thus, we help our spouse with any daily task or offer any affection or understanding they may need. That is acceptable and holy to God. A true gift. And the married person also pleases God by taking time to serve Him in the church. But such time is lessened by their responsibilities at home.
You as a married person, are giving to God, and to your spouse, and to your church. God loves a holy acceptable sacrifice, a gift of love and faithfulness.
A single person offers their body to God with the same blood of Jesus and same holiness. Yet there are different aspects: the single person offers their gift to God with more focus on ministry and on blessing other believers in the church. They have more time for that kind of ministry. This is a true gift that you are giving as a single believer: to God and to those God loves: your brothers and sisters in Christ.
Single people typically have more time. It is reasonable to offer that time as a sacrifice and a gift to God and His people.
And for singles with children, they have the time to bless their children, and raise them to believe on Christ and to discipline them to go to church as believers (Hebrews 10:25). That is a special and precious gift they have: to be able to raise children in holy reverence to God and to show them the value of regular fellowship and service! By raising children, either with or without a spouse, that is another way in which we offer our bodies to God. God loves your children and desires to see them succeed in Him! He is well-pleased with your sacrifice to Him in raising them up. He knows it is not easy. Again, this is a true gift. You are giving it to God and to your children. Also, single parents can serve in the church and teach their children to do the same. Another precious gift.
Whatever you do with your body and whatever gifts you have in your life, offer it back to God as a gift. Serve and lead with your heart stayed on God. We all have different gifts to draw from: time, a spouse, and/or children. But we are all gifted. Christ in our hearts is the greatest gift of all!
The key is this: The gifts we receive from Jesus are not -really- for us... They are for us to give! We give to God and we give to each other. Be holy and be reasonable: serve Jesus! He loves you and accepts you in Himself.
God bless!
Pastor Curtis
Thur. Sept. 25, 2014 5:06 PM EST
Friday, September 5, 2014
All Things New
On Sunday, during worship service, I saw a vision of a Throne, and I saw the side and the rear part of it. And I saw peoples flowing to it. I knew this was a vision of the Throne of Jesus, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Tonight, Thursday Sept. 4th, 2014, without synchronizing it, Pastor Tracy preached about the Throne of God. I thought that was a wonderful confirming word.
Her topic at the service this evening was "Behold I make all things new" from Rev. 21:5 (KJV)
"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful."
If ever there was a time I needed to hear this, it is now. I am thankful for the future, eternal new life I have in heaven. And I am grateful for being made a new creation in Christ right now. I just think that I could benefit from God making something new come of my circumstances. They have been the same for a while now. I felt as if the Lord was saying tonight, "this is a NOW word for you, and I can make your situation new." So that is what I pray. I post this to you as Christian friends of mine, and I want to encourage you that God can make not just YOU and your nature new, but He can also make your situation NEW. He never wastes a season. He makes use of it. But then He changes the season. I feel that it is time for seasons to change. Somehow, in some way.
Believe God to make ALL things new in His timing! Nothing is left out. All means all. If you need something new to happen, ask Jesus. This word is not JUST for the future. It can and does apply to us as believers right now!
Pastor Curtis
Thurs Sept. 4, 2014 11:50pm EST
Tonight, Thursday Sept. 4th, 2014, without synchronizing it, Pastor Tracy preached about the Throne of God. I thought that was a wonderful confirming word.
Her topic at the service this evening was "Behold I make all things new" from Rev. 21:5 (KJV)
"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful."
If ever there was a time I needed to hear this, it is now. I am thankful for the future, eternal new life I have in heaven. And I am grateful for being made a new creation in Christ right now. I just think that I could benefit from God making something new come of my circumstances. They have been the same for a while now. I felt as if the Lord was saying tonight, "this is a NOW word for you, and I can make your situation new." So that is what I pray. I post this to you as Christian friends of mine, and I want to encourage you that God can make not just YOU and your nature new, but He can also make your situation NEW. He never wastes a season. He makes use of it. But then He changes the season. I feel that it is time for seasons to change. Somehow, in some way.
Believe God to make ALL things new in His timing! Nothing is left out. All means all. If you need something new to happen, ask Jesus. This word is not JUST for the future. It can and does apply to us as believers right now!
Pastor Curtis
Thurs Sept. 4, 2014 11:50pm EST
Thursday, August 28, 2014
What's in a smile?
Proverbs 14:13 (GNV)
13 Even in laughing the heart is sorrowful, and the end of that mirth is heaviness.
Ecclesiastes 7:3 (AMP)
3 Sorrow is better than laughter, for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better and gains gladness.
Proverbs 17:22 (AMP)
A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
I am seeing a pertinent theme here. Healing begins on the inside. Sometimes we are obsessed with outward appearances. Laughter, and smiling is good... when the heart/soul/spirit is happy and healthy. But if your soul or spirit is down, then there is something better than laughter to begin the healing process. Sorrow in Christ will help you recover. Feeling and expressing that sadness is ok and needed before you can regain a sense of joy sometimes. So, laughter and smiles are not the "medicine" here... but the joyful heart behind it that is able to smile and laugh. Forcing a smile is not the answer when you are down.
I for one sometimes get "ribbed" or teased and told to smile more. And it is a bit annoying- I will admit that. After all, I work away, with a cheerful heart and a serious expression, completely content and absorbed in what I am doing. I get misread sometimes even by people who know me somewhat. But I am content. I smile a LOT more than some people do (see the picture below). But even if I don't there is nothing wrong with a serious expression. It is part of who I am. I am sure these fellows would agree:
There is more to life than smiles. It begins on the inside. Anyone who needs to heal needs Jesus. And it's ok to feel sad and look sad during that process. The Bible says so. It is needed. People don't need to be told to "laugh it off" if they are actually hurting. They need to be allowed to be real and be encouraged to come to Jesus. And a friend might be good to have for support. Yes, emotions should not rule us. We must allow the Spirit of Truth to rule the soul (soul is our mind, will, and emotions.) But that doesn't mean we shouldn't feel or express emotions. We should. As long as we aren't trying to manipulate others with them or draw inordinate attention to ourselves. And I don't recommend people go around looking grumpy all the time. We should be as pleasant as possible, and always kind and courteous to one another. But we should be real, not actors.
When smiles and laughter don't cut it, sorrow is good for healing. Jesus felt sorrow on earth many times, and can relate personally to you and I when we talk to Him.
I am generally a very happy person. I can see benefits to basically every circumstance I go through, even the not so pleasant ones. But I also attempt to grapple with reality, from a Christian Biblical perspective. So I attempt to be real, yet have a generally positive outlook. After all, Jesus is LORD and He paid for my sins and set me free! I have plenty to be thankful for in that, and in the details of my everyday life. But, without realizing it, I do tend to give a "serious" vibe with my expressions sometimes. That's just the way I am, and God made me this way. I am completely content and happy with how He made me.
So, I am not so quick to judge people based on their smile. Be careful when you assess people. It is not really about the outward smile or appearance.
I know that some people may be hurting, even in their laughter and smiles. And some of the most joyful people do smile and are pleasant, yet they may not have the biggest smile, because they are not trying to impress anyone but their LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Be blessed
Pastor Curtis
Thurs. Aug 28 2014 2:08AM EST
13 Even in laughing the heart is sorrowful, and the end of that mirth is heaviness.
Ecclesiastes 7:3 (AMP)
3 Sorrow is better than laughter, for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better and gains gladness.
Proverbs 17:22 (AMP)
A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
I am seeing a pertinent theme here. Healing begins on the inside. Sometimes we are obsessed with outward appearances. Laughter, and smiling is good... when the heart/soul/spirit is happy and healthy. But if your soul or spirit is down, then there is something better than laughter to begin the healing process. Sorrow in Christ will help you recover. Feeling and expressing that sadness is ok and needed before you can regain a sense of joy sometimes. So, laughter and smiles are not the "medicine" here... but the joyful heart behind it that is able to smile and laugh. Forcing a smile is not the answer when you are down.
I for one sometimes get "ribbed" or teased and told to smile more. And it is a bit annoying- I will admit that. After all, I work away, with a cheerful heart and a serious expression, completely content and absorbed in what I am doing. I get misread sometimes even by people who know me somewhat. But I am content. I smile a LOT more than some people do (see the picture below). But even if I don't there is nothing wrong with a serious expression. It is part of who I am. I am sure these fellows would agree:
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Newsboys "smiling" for their promo pic. |
There is more to life than smiles. It begins on the inside. Anyone who needs to heal needs Jesus. And it's ok to feel sad and look sad during that process. The Bible says so. It is needed. People don't need to be told to "laugh it off" if they are actually hurting. They need to be allowed to be real and be encouraged to come to Jesus. And a friend might be good to have for support. Yes, emotions should not rule us. We must allow the Spirit of Truth to rule the soul (soul is our mind, will, and emotions.) But that doesn't mean we shouldn't feel or express emotions. We should. As long as we aren't trying to manipulate others with them or draw inordinate attention to ourselves. And I don't recommend people go around looking grumpy all the time. We should be as pleasant as possible, and always kind and courteous to one another. But we should be real, not actors.
When smiles and laughter don't cut it, sorrow is good for healing. Jesus felt sorrow on earth many times, and can relate personally to you and I when we talk to Him.
I am generally a very happy person. I can see benefits to basically every circumstance I go through, even the not so pleasant ones. But I also attempt to grapple with reality, from a Christian Biblical perspective. So I attempt to be real, yet have a generally positive outlook. After all, Jesus is LORD and He paid for my sins and set me free! I have plenty to be thankful for in that, and in the details of my everyday life. But, without realizing it, I do tend to give a "serious" vibe with my expressions sometimes. That's just the way I am, and God made me this way. I am completely content and happy with how He made me.
So, I am not so quick to judge people based on their smile. Be careful when you assess people. It is not really about the outward smile or appearance.
I know that some people may be hurting, even in their laughter and smiles. And some of the most joyful people do smile and are pleasant, yet they may not have the biggest smile, because they are not trying to impress anyone but their LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Be blessed
Pastor Curtis
Thurs. Aug 28 2014 2:08AM EST
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
If We Suffer With Him, We Shall Reign With Him
I thank God for suffering. I could not be saved if it were not for the suffering of Christ Jesus. If He did not suffer, we would be lost forever. It is my honour to be reviled or abandonded for the sake of Christ. He suffered all loss so that I could be saved. If we suffer with Him, we shall rule with Him.
Mark 8:31-32 KJV
31And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.
32And he spake that saying openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him.
Peter could not accept the concept of suffering at first. He did not want his Rabbi to suffer. But Peter did not understand that without Jesus suffering, and dying, and rising again, there could be no salvation for Peter, or anyone else. Not to mention the fact that Peter probably realized that if Jesus suffered, then he probably would suffer also! In his flesh, he did not like that idea!
2 Tim 2:8-13 KJV
8Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:
9Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.
10Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
11It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him:
12If we SUFFER, we shall also REIGN with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:
13If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.
We are patterned after the pattern Son, Jesus. If we believe and follow God (Jesus), we WILL suffer one way or another at the hands of others. That is because the corrupt world-system hates Christ. It hates light, and it hates anything bearing His Light. There are also other kinds of suffering. I realize that. There is the pain of ill health due to the sinful nature of Adam. His sin caused all of us to return to dust. Our body degrades and dies But Jesus rose from death. We can and will share in this resurrection! Also, there is pain that we bring on ourselves when we do something only to regret it later. There is suffering that has no explanation. But we do not love this life or the "things" in it. We love Jesus. And we forsake all to follow Him. When circumstances are good, bad or ugly, we choose to be His disciples. (See Mark 8:34-35) Will we trust Him in the bad times? It is part of our character training, in becoming more like Him! (See Galatians 5:22-23) We grow more of His fruit/character when we are trimmed and pruned. But we must be as branches, attached to the Vine, Jesus, before we can bear any fruit!
During the pruning season, Jesus sends us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to help us when we do suffer. (See John 14:16)
And if we endure to the end, we will reign with Him. An awesome promise.
There is more to this. What we see and feel matters to God. Jesus felt the same things as us and is a faithful high priest after the order of Melchisedec. And He sees the whole picture. He knows where you are going in Him.
Indeed when I have suffered, I could not see clearly in those moments. But then Jesus comes to me in a powerful, gentle, caring and high-priestly way and reminds me of what I am taking to heaven. I am not taking possessions, money, or "worldly fame" to heaven. I take my character with me. Times of suffering are opportunities in disguise. I say that because I truly have not seen the benefit of my bad times while enduring them.
And yet, When I stand before Him in the judgement, I will be in His blood, and pronounced righteous before His throne. I am redeemed with the precious blood of the Lamb who suffered for me! (1 Peter 1:18-19). And He will also want to see the image of Himself and His character formed in me!
To follow Jesus is to follow His way. And the comfort we receive from His Spirit in those times of suffering is unparalleled. I speak from experience. Simply ask Him.
And as the book of Revelation puts it, suffering is temporary. But joy and peace and freedom is eternal, in Christ! And when we spend eternity with Jesus, we spend it in the very character we formed here on earth while learning to trust Jesus. Quite amazing when you think about it.
Revelation 21:4 Geneva Version
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, neither crying, neither shall there be anymore pain: for the first things are passed.
The suffering is part of the pattern, and Christ Himself willingly submitted to this process. The suffering is temporary. It builds fruit in us if we yield to the Holy Spirit. And if we endure the suffering in Jesus to the end, then we shall rule with Him.
Bless you! Be encouraged in Jesus.
Pastor Curtis
Wed. Aug 27, 2014 11:34PM EST
Mark 8:31-32 KJV
31And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.
32And he spake that saying openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him.
Peter could not accept the concept of suffering at first. He did not want his Rabbi to suffer. But Peter did not understand that without Jesus suffering, and dying, and rising again, there could be no salvation for Peter, or anyone else. Not to mention the fact that Peter probably realized that if Jesus suffered, then he probably would suffer also! In his flesh, he did not like that idea!
2 Tim 2:8-13 KJV
8Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel:
9Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound.
10Therefore I endure all things for the elect’s sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
11It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him:
12If we SUFFER, we shall also REIGN with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:
13If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.
We are patterned after the pattern Son, Jesus. If we believe and follow God (Jesus), we WILL suffer one way or another at the hands of others. That is because the corrupt world-system hates Christ. It hates light, and it hates anything bearing His Light. There are also other kinds of suffering. I realize that. There is the pain of ill health due to the sinful nature of Adam. His sin caused all of us to return to dust. Our body degrades and dies But Jesus rose from death. We can and will share in this resurrection! Also, there is pain that we bring on ourselves when we do something only to regret it later. There is suffering that has no explanation. But we do not love this life or the "things" in it. We love Jesus. And we forsake all to follow Him. When circumstances are good, bad or ugly, we choose to be His disciples. (See Mark 8:34-35) Will we trust Him in the bad times? It is part of our character training, in becoming more like Him! (See Galatians 5:22-23) We grow more of His fruit/character when we are trimmed and pruned. But we must be as branches, attached to the Vine, Jesus, before we can bear any fruit!
During the pruning season, Jesus sends us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to help us when we do suffer. (See John 14:16)
And if we endure to the end, we will reign with Him. An awesome promise.
There is more to this. What we see and feel matters to God. Jesus felt the same things as us and is a faithful high priest after the order of Melchisedec. And He sees the whole picture. He knows where you are going in Him.
Indeed when I have suffered, I could not see clearly in those moments. But then Jesus comes to me in a powerful, gentle, caring and high-priestly way and reminds me of what I am taking to heaven. I am not taking possessions, money, or "worldly fame" to heaven. I take my character with me. Times of suffering are opportunities in disguise. I say that because I truly have not seen the benefit of my bad times while enduring them.
And yet, When I stand before Him in the judgement, I will be in His blood, and pronounced righteous before His throne. I am redeemed with the precious blood of the Lamb who suffered for me! (1 Peter 1:18-19). And He will also want to see the image of Himself and His character formed in me!
To follow Jesus is to follow His way. And the comfort we receive from His Spirit in those times of suffering is unparalleled. I speak from experience. Simply ask Him.
And as the book of Revelation puts it, suffering is temporary. But joy and peace and freedom is eternal, in Christ! And when we spend eternity with Jesus, we spend it in the very character we formed here on earth while learning to trust Jesus. Quite amazing when you think about it.
Revelation 21:4 Geneva Version
And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, neither crying, neither shall there be anymore pain: for the first things are passed.
The suffering is part of the pattern, and Christ Himself willingly submitted to this process. The suffering is temporary. It builds fruit in us if we yield to the Holy Spirit. And if we endure the suffering in Jesus to the end, then we shall rule with Him.
Bless you! Be encouraged in Jesus.
Pastor Curtis
Wed. Aug 27, 2014 11:34PM EST
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Defy The Negativity of Others with Gratefulness
In defiance of the negativity sometimes confronting me from people or situations, here is a list of the things I am blessed with! I challenge you to do as Paul tell us in 1 Thess. 5 and to give thanks in Christ, in every circumstance! Genuine thankfulness in Christ is very moving to God, and it can help you make a breakthrough in your Character development.
1 Thessalonians 5:15-23 Geneva Version
We see that thankfulness is possible in each situation. Even if it is a bad situation. We can still find things to be grateful for. It is God's will for us to do so!
You can make a list. Just read your Bible, look around, pray, and ask Jesus to open your eyes to all that you DO have in life. Once you have your list, thank the Lord Jesus for everything on it. He will receive your gratitude, especially in the midst of trying circumstances. Jesus loves gratitude. It moves Him.
I am grateful for so much.
- I have salvation in Christ Jesus. I believe in Him and confess He is Lord! My sins are forgiven and I am made a part of the Body!
- I am accepted and approved by God in Christ. I am before Him in Love. No threat can overcome the Overcomer. Negative people cannot remove my approval from God because I dwell in His Son, Jesus Christ.
- I have His Grace and Favour, no matter what comes against me, or makes me scratch my head in bewilderment.
- I come home to peace and quiet- I can pray and read the Bible, and relax. I have no strife at home whatsoever. This is something I will always be grateful for. Plus I have a great cat named Tess who loves me and greets me!
- I have work. I work two paying jobs for which I am so thankful for! I am actually gaining financial strength.
- I have friends and family whom I love and cherish
- I am able in Christ to teach and lead others in the Word and in worship. What an awesome privilege it is to be called "pastor". My ministry has survived personal loss and God protected me in many storms. One could say my ministry is a miracle!
- I have a great church family at Church On The GO. It is my honour to serve among. It has been nearly 14 years now.
- I am blessed with many creative abilities which I find freedom and strength in. Music, cartooning, photography, poetry to name some.
- I have known the beauty of marriage and the mystery of its union. I will always cherish the memory. Yet through tragedy, I now know the freedom of singleness and the ability and peace I am granted through this lifestyle.
- I have been granted God's love for others. Yes, this includes even those who are threatening and being negative many times. I may be quiet at times, but I harbour no fear or hatred (by His grace). I just develop love, power and a sound mind, all by God's Spirit. I could not do it without Jesus!!
- I have been renting my wonderful apartment for a full 9 years now. Still enjoying it.
- I have relatively few bills and expenses.
My list is incomplete, and in no specific order. Some things are big, others are little. Some things are spiritual, others are natural. But all items listed are good, and God is worthy to be thanked for all of it. I will probably think of other things to be thankful for, after I post this.
So! What are you thankful for?
How will you defy the negativity coming from others?
Love them in Christ, be patient in the Holy Spirit, and count your blessings! And don't do evil to those who do evil to you. Follow always after that which is good!
Be encouraged, and be thankful! It is God's will for you in Christ!
Pastor Curtis
Aug. 11, 2014, 11:41PM EST
1 Thessalonians 5:15-23 Geneva Version
15 See that none recompense evil for evil unto any man: but ever follow that which is good, both toward yourselves, and toward all men.
16 Rejoice evermore.
17 Pray continually.
18 In all things, give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus toward you.
19 Quench not the Spirit.
20 Despise not prophesying.
21 Try all things, and keep that which is good.
22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.
23 Now the very God of peace sanctify you throughout: and I pray God that your whole spirit and soul and body, may be kept blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We see that thankfulness is possible in each situation. Even if it is a bad situation. We can still find things to be grateful for. It is God's will for us to do so!
You can make a list. Just read your Bible, look around, pray, and ask Jesus to open your eyes to all that you DO have in life. Once you have your list, thank the Lord Jesus for everything on it. He will receive your gratitude, especially in the midst of trying circumstances. Jesus loves gratitude. It moves Him.
I am grateful for so much.
- I have salvation in Christ Jesus. I believe in Him and confess He is Lord! My sins are forgiven and I am made a part of the Body!
- I am accepted and approved by God in Christ. I am before Him in Love. No threat can overcome the Overcomer. Negative people cannot remove my approval from God because I dwell in His Son, Jesus Christ.
- I have His Grace and Favour, no matter what comes against me, or makes me scratch my head in bewilderment.
- I come home to peace and quiet- I can pray and read the Bible, and relax. I have no strife at home whatsoever. This is something I will always be grateful for. Plus I have a great cat named Tess who loves me and greets me!
- I have work. I work two paying jobs for which I am so thankful for! I am actually gaining financial strength.
- I have friends and family whom I love and cherish
- I am able in Christ to teach and lead others in the Word and in worship. What an awesome privilege it is to be called "pastor". My ministry has survived personal loss and God protected me in many storms. One could say my ministry is a miracle!
- I have a great church family at Church On The GO. It is my honour to serve among. It has been nearly 14 years now.
- I am blessed with many creative abilities which I find freedom and strength in. Music, cartooning, photography, poetry to name some.
- I have known the beauty of marriage and the mystery of its union. I will always cherish the memory. Yet through tragedy, I now know the freedom of singleness and the ability and peace I am granted through this lifestyle.
- I have been granted God's love for others. Yes, this includes even those who are threatening and being negative many times. I may be quiet at times, but I harbour no fear or hatred (by His grace). I just develop love, power and a sound mind, all by God's Spirit. I could not do it without Jesus!!
- I have been renting my wonderful apartment for a full 9 years now. Still enjoying it.
- I have relatively few bills and expenses.
My list is incomplete, and in no specific order. Some things are big, others are little. Some things are spiritual, others are natural. But all items listed are good, and God is worthy to be thanked for all of it. I will probably think of other things to be thankful for, after I post this.
So! What are you thankful for?
How will you defy the negativity coming from others?
Love them in Christ, be patient in the Holy Spirit, and count your blessings! And don't do evil to those who do evil to you. Follow always after that which is good!
Be encouraged, and be thankful! It is God's will for you in Christ!
Pastor Curtis
Aug. 11, 2014, 11:41PM EST
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Singles Ministry Meets Spiritual Resistance
Woah... Spiritual warfare. Total resistance this morning at church especially in technical issues. Satan tried to attack my personal worship and also tried to appeal to my pride this morning. Not only was I distracted from worshiping, trying to figure out computer woes, I did not get to lead worship as per usual.
So when the announcements were on I went out in the hall for a walk with the Lord and refused to let satan steal my worship unto God. I sang to Jesus and worshiped Him. And no one but Jesus and the devil heard me. I was satisfied with just that. Then I returned and rejoined the service. At the end, the guest speakers and our lead pastor prayed for me and my upcoming meeting. I needed the prayer support.
I am Not tolerating satan's appeal to my pride. I refused to let myself turn into a grump on the day of my first meeting of singles! I am humble and I remain humble. I am able to go with the flow of the Holy Spirit, even when plans don't go... well.... as planned. God's plan always goes forward, no matter what I plan. My job is simply to agree and follow. Please pray for this evening's Christian Singles On The GO meeting. 5:30pm EST.
I am Not tolerating satan's appeal to my pride. I refused to let myself turn into a grump on the day of my first meeting of singles! I am humble and I remain humble. I am able to go with the flow of the Holy Spirit, even when plans don't go... well.... as planned. God's plan always goes forward, no matter what I plan. My job is simply to agree and follow. Please pray for this evening's Christian Singles On The GO meeting. 5:30pm EST.
People, after my past week, it is clear that satan does NOT WANT THE CHRISTIAN SINGLES MOBILIZED and serving Christ! The satanic attacks are constant, personal, subtle and sneaky. But Christ guards me in the armour of light, God's protective gear. Satan must flee when we submit to God and resist the devil. That is in the book of James.
So let's band together and worship JESUS And give our Lead Singer, Jesus, the glory due His name. I even have a new song in the works.
So let's band together and worship JESUS And give our Lead Singer, Jesus, the glory due His name. I even have a new song in the works.
5:30pm tonight.... Christian singles (who never married, or are divorced or are widowed) can come and discover their G.I.F.T.S. in Christ. I am more convinced now than ever that this is the time to act.
Bless you!
Pastor Curtis
Sun July 27 2014 2:03pm EST
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Singles Ministry coming
So, I was recently approached to do a singles ministry by a church goer and also by my pastor. I accepted.
It just felt right to me in the Holy Spirit.
I feel now is the time.
I have been divorced now for almost 5 years. (since Oct 2009).
I have failed to restart my dating life. Rather, God has prevented me. And He has reasons. God has been moulding me into a message. I was meant to be single for a season, this season.
Now, I am in the remarkable position of having the opportunity to encourage singles to follow God. All those Christians who have never-married, are legally divorced, or are widowed need support and direction. They need to be told that God has gifted them to do work in Christ's Kingdom, and He has gifted them to get closer and closer in their walk with Jesus.
The details can be found here: www.churchonthego.ca/christiansingles.html
The facebook page is: www.facebook.com/christiansinglesonthego
Our first meeting at the church here in Newmarket ON. will be 5:30pm Sunday July 27th.
I am truly excited for what God has in store for this meeting. I truly hope and pray people will respond and attend. They told me they were interested.
I have, over the past week, received much spiritual resistance to this movement into singles ministry. From my computer at home acting out, to a person suddenly denying their own divorced status and arguing, to someone meddling in my own past with things they know nothing about. I kid you not. Once you stick your neck out for Jesus, you will be attacked. Satan has made it clear to me that he does NOT want me to minister to an all-ages Christian Singles adult group. He does NOT want Christian singles to move forward in their purpose and calling in God's Kingdom!
Well in God's grace, that is what I hope to accomplish! I wish to help singles make the most of this season of singleness. To see what my acronym G.I.F.T.S. stands for, visit the webpage! Again it is: www.churchonthego.ca/christiansingles.html
Also, that webpage has a video explaining more of my own story and this ministry. Please check it out!
God bless, and I will keep you posted on how things go!
-Pastor Curtis
Thur July 24/14 5:59 EST
It just felt right to me in the Holy Spirit.
I feel now is the time.
I have been divorced now for almost 5 years. (since Oct 2009).
I have failed to restart my dating life. Rather, God has prevented me. And He has reasons. God has been moulding me into a message. I was meant to be single for a season, this season.
Now, I am in the remarkable position of having the opportunity to encourage singles to follow God. All those Christians who have never-married, are legally divorced, or are widowed need support and direction. They need to be told that God has gifted them to do work in Christ's Kingdom, and He has gifted them to get closer and closer in their walk with Jesus.
The details can be found here: www.churchonthego.ca/christiansingles.html
The facebook page is: www.facebook.com/christiansinglesonthego
Our first meeting at the church here in Newmarket ON. will be 5:30pm Sunday July 27th.
I am truly excited for what God has in store for this meeting. I truly hope and pray people will respond and attend. They told me they were interested.
I have, over the past week, received much spiritual resistance to this movement into singles ministry. From my computer at home acting out, to a person suddenly denying their own divorced status and arguing, to someone meddling in my own past with things they know nothing about. I kid you not. Once you stick your neck out for Jesus, you will be attacked. Satan has made it clear to me that he does NOT want me to minister to an all-ages Christian Singles adult group. He does NOT want Christian singles to move forward in their purpose and calling in God's Kingdom!
Well in God's grace, that is what I hope to accomplish! I wish to help singles make the most of this season of singleness. To see what my acronym G.I.F.T.S. stands for, visit the webpage! Again it is: www.churchonthego.ca/christiansingles.html
Also, that webpage has a video explaining more of my own story and this ministry. Please check it out!
God bless, and I will keep you posted on how things go!
-Pastor Curtis
Thur July 24/14 5:59 EST
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Benefits to Singleness
For all those people who follow Jesus and are single and/or divorced.
Don't you wish sometimes that you could change your circumstance?
I have been there. I wished I could change my circumstance. I prayed. Yet here I am, still a single all this time.
BUT! I am here today to remind you that The Apostle Paul viewed singleness and marriage both as gifts from the Lord. Each has their own gift, one after this manner, one after another manner. Read 1 Corinthians 7:7.
So to encourage you - let me share the benefits and blessings I have experienced in the past 4 and a half years as a single divorced man. Keep in mind, I have not had even one date yet, since the divorce in 2009. The LORD knows why. In the mean time I can start to assert now the great blessings I have been accumulating as I walk this long season alone with Him.
1) I am driven to seek the Spirit of Jesus more. I have always enjoyed alone time. But when I am truly alone with no one else around, I also tend to seek Jesus more often. He always meets me faithfully and often speaks to me with pictures and visions and words and Scripture.
2) The Lord has cleaned some ugly little areas inside me. I yielded to Him, and gave up to the Light. And it has been a wonderfully powerful liberation. I could not have done it this way as a married man. As a single, I was left with no choice but to lean fully on the Lord. And what a great choice it was and is!
3) Freedom to serve Jesus in ministry without distraction. Freedom to please just the Lord.
4) Time to heal. The Lord called me to take up the piano in 2007 at church and has since inspired me to write well over 20 songs. I lead worship, and some of my songs have made it into the church repertoire. These songs have been a process and journey for me. And the time I have spent with Jesus has been restorative, and healing to me. The music, writing, and prayer were all avenues of God's healing to me personally. His very presence is life and rest and restoration. I found new strength in the dark times when I decided to WORSHIP JESUS (both alone and in the local church).
5) Freedom of time. I have little spare time because I am a bivocational pastor (a pastor with another job in addition to pastoring). But when I do get free time, I am really able to relax, spend time out, get chores done, etc. Rest is truly important, even for those who feel they don't need it.
6) Finances for a single person are relatively simple compared to those of married couples and families. (I am speaking as a single man with no children).
7) Decision making is more straightforward. At least, I find it has been simpler for me. (again I speak as a divorced man with no children.)
8) I have truly learned that Jesus is my ALL. No woman could possibly fulfill the longings of my heart like God can. I am full of His Spirit and so amazed at His grace to me. I don't deserve it. YET, He has proven to be my supplier and helper and guide. If I did not experience this road, this gift of singleness, then how would I have discovered how truly complete Jesus's love for me is? His complete love of me is what completes me indeed. I am complete in HIM. Nothing lacks, and nothing more is needed. This has been a long hard lesson for me- I am still learning to depend on Jesus fully for every need and every provision.
Enjoy this journey you are on. You have a gift, whether you are married or are single. I know both gifts. I have learned to enjoy whatever state I happen to be in. It has been a long lesson that the Lord taught me. I am humbled by His goodness that continues to flow to me.
Most importantly... follow the ministry call on your life! ALL believers are called to some form of ministry! Don't wait another day to seek His will for your life and actions. Be sure you are connected as the Spirit leads you in the local church!
And Happy Canada Day!
~Pastor Curtis
Tues. July 1st, 3:53AM EST
Don't you wish sometimes that you could change your circumstance?
I have been there. I wished I could change my circumstance. I prayed. Yet here I am, still a single all this time.
BUT! I am here today to remind you that The Apostle Paul viewed singleness and marriage both as gifts from the Lord. Each has their own gift, one after this manner, one after another manner. Read 1 Corinthians 7:7.
So to encourage you - let me share the benefits and blessings I have experienced in the past 4 and a half years as a single divorced man. Keep in mind, I have not had even one date yet, since the divorce in 2009. The LORD knows why. In the mean time I can start to assert now the great blessings I have been accumulating as I walk this long season alone with Him.
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Singleness is a gift from God. So is marriage. |
1) I am driven to seek the Spirit of Jesus more. I have always enjoyed alone time. But when I am truly alone with no one else around, I also tend to seek Jesus more often. He always meets me faithfully and often speaks to me with pictures and visions and words and Scripture.
2) The Lord has cleaned some ugly little areas inside me. I yielded to Him, and gave up to the Light. And it has been a wonderfully powerful liberation. I could not have done it this way as a married man. As a single, I was left with no choice but to lean fully on the Lord. And what a great choice it was and is!
3) Freedom to serve Jesus in ministry without distraction. Freedom to please just the Lord.
4) Time to heal. The Lord called me to take up the piano in 2007 at church and has since inspired me to write well over 20 songs. I lead worship, and some of my songs have made it into the church repertoire. These songs have been a process and journey for me. And the time I have spent with Jesus has been restorative, and healing to me. The music, writing, and prayer were all avenues of God's healing to me personally. His very presence is life and rest and restoration. I found new strength in the dark times when I decided to WORSHIP JESUS (both alone and in the local church).
5) Freedom of time. I have little spare time because I am a bivocational pastor (a pastor with another job in addition to pastoring). But when I do get free time, I am really able to relax, spend time out, get chores done, etc. Rest is truly important, even for those who feel they don't need it.
6) Finances for a single person are relatively simple compared to those of married couples and families. (I am speaking as a single man with no children).
7) Decision making is more straightforward. At least, I find it has been simpler for me. (again I speak as a divorced man with no children.)
8) I have truly learned that Jesus is my ALL. No woman could possibly fulfill the longings of my heart like God can. I am full of His Spirit and so amazed at His grace to me. I don't deserve it. YET, He has proven to be my supplier and helper and guide. If I did not experience this road, this gift of singleness, then how would I have discovered how truly complete Jesus's love for me is? His complete love of me is what completes me indeed. I am complete in HIM. Nothing lacks, and nothing more is needed. This has been a long hard lesson for me- I am still learning to depend on Jesus fully for every need and every provision.
Enjoy this journey you are on. You have a gift, whether you are married or are single. I know both gifts. I have learned to enjoy whatever state I happen to be in. It has been a long lesson that the Lord taught me. I am humbled by His goodness that continues to flow to me.
Most importantly... follow the ministry call on your life! ALL believers are called to some form of ministry! Don't wait another day to seek His will for your life and actions. Be sure you are connected as the Spirit leads you in the local church!
And Happy Canada Day!
~Pastor Curtis
Tues. July 1st, 3:53AM EST
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Find Your Alone Time
John 6:15
When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.
What did Jesus do often? In between serving others and preaching and healing, He spent lots of time alone with the Father. This was key to His success. And it is key to ours as His disciples.
I really want to challenge each of us to spend some time alone with the Father. I have been doing that periodically for a month now. Concentrated intentional time alone with Jesus. I put facebook away. I leave the cellphone and digital tablet at home. I go for a walk and pray. It has been perfectly refreshing and restoring to me... And when I return, I see things a little clearer.
Yesterday evening, I spent 3 hours with the Lord, praying, speaking in the Spirit, and making photos and videos. It was awesome. Below are some of the pictures. When I create, I sense the Lord is with me, and I have come to realize that my arts are a form of worship to Him. Photographs, videos, poems, blogs, and music writing are things that He moves me to do. And it brings me closer to Him in Spirit and in Truth.
Find your own alone time with the Lord. Find something to do with Him. Spend time with Jesus in the Spirit.
Everyone who spends time online needs to put the social media on hold and sacrifice some of that time to Jesus and The Word. Go ahead, be bold. Leave the phone at home. Leave the computers alone. Go for a walk or go in your prayer chamber. Pray and worship. Spend a few hours. Sing to Him. Talk to Him. Create something for Him. Listen to Him. Your unique and dynamic relationship to Jesus is VITAL to your life! This goes far beyond religion.
I see things that deeply sadden me and break my heart both in the world and also online. Even some events in church are saddening.
But for me, I will regroup in Him in my alone times. God forbid I be exalted by human means. Jesus did not want a human, limited, politically-plagued crown. He already had an inheritance from the Father and a Heavenly incorruptible crown waiting for Him. To settle for the human crown would be to completely abort the plan of salvation and take on a life of human politics! So glad Jesus stayed focused in the Spirit.
In order to obtain His crown of glory, He had to first endure the crown of thorns, which led to the cross. So Jesus left these folks in the passage above because they wanted to "skip a step" and give him earthly honour and a human crown with no suffering. Jesus knew that was not the Father's will and escaped to be alone.
Matthew 14:23
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.
We all need times to escape human passions, promotions, crossfires, backbiting, and politics. Things of the flesh war against things of the Spirit.
We need time alone with the Father, through Jesus. Understand that we too must bear the thorns people jab into us, for His sake. But know that your crown is in heaven!
James 1:12
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
Jesus received His crown, and if you love Him, He has a crown of LIFE for you! Endure those temptations by escaping from them and getting alone with the Lord.
Bless you!
Pastor Curtis
Thur. June 26, 2014 11:24 EST
When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone.
What did Jesus do often? In between serving others and preaching and healing, He spent lots of time alone with the Father. This was key to His success. And it is key to ours as His disciples.
I really want to challenge each of us to spend some time alone with the Father. I have been doing that periodically for a month now. Concentrated intentional time alone with Jesus. I put facebook away. I leave the cellphone and digital tablet at home. I go for a walk and pray. It has been perfectly refreshing and restoring to me... And when I return, I see things a little clearer.
Yesterday evening, I spent 3 hours with the Lord, praying, speaking in the Spirit, and making photos and videos. It was awesome. Below are some of the pictures. When I create, I sense the Lord is with me, and I have come to realize that my arts are a form of worship to Him. Photographs, videos, poems, blogs, and music writing are things that He moves me to do. And it brings me closer to Him in Spirit and in Truth.
I asked the Lord to bring this little muskrat to me yesterday and He did! I was able to photograph it. |
Like myself, this Canada Goose was spending time alone. The difference is, we as people who believe in Jesus have the LORD. (June 25/14) (c) CJA |
The more patience you have, the more you see, like this frog. Praise the Lord God who created all things in heaven and earth! (c) CJA |
Find your own alone time with the Lord. Find something to do with Him. Spend time with Jesus in the Spirit.
Everyone who spends time online needs to put the social media on hold and sacrifice some of that time to Jesus and The Word. Go ahead, be bold. Leave the phone at home. Leave the computers alone. Go for a walk or go in your prayer chamber. Pray and worship. Spend a few hours. Sing to Him. Talk to Him. Create something for Him. Listen to Him. Your unique and dynamic relationship to Jesus is VITAL to your life! This goes far beyond religion.
I see things that deeply sadden me and break my heart both in the world and also online. Even some events in church are saddening.
But for me, I will regroup in Him in my alone times. God forbid I be exalted by human means. Jesus did not want a human, limited, politically-plagued crown. He already had an inheritance from the Father and a Heavenly incorruptible crown waiting for Him. To settle for the human crown would be to completely abort the plan of salvation and take on a life of human politics! So glad Jesus stayed focused in the Spirit.
In order to obtain His crown of glory, He had to first endure the crown of thorns, which led to the cross. So Jesus left these folks in the passage above because they wanted to "skip a step" and give him earthly honour and a human crown with no suffering. Jesus knew that was not the Father's will and escaped to be alone.
Matthew 14:23
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.
We all need times to escape human passions, promotions, crossfires, backbiting, and politics. Things of the flesh war against things of the Spirit.
We need time alone with the Father, through Jesus. Understand that we too must bear the thorns people jab into us, for His sake. But know that your crown is in heaven!
James 1:12
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
Jesus received His crown, and if you love Him, He has a crown of LIFE for you! Endure those temptations by escaping from them and getting alone with the Lord.
Bless you!
Pastor Curtis
Thur. June 26, 2014 11:24 EST
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