Thursday, July 24, 2014

Singles Ministry coming

So, I was recently approached to do a singles ministry by a church goer and also by my pastor. I accepted.
It just felt right to me in the Holy Spirit.
I feel now is the time.

I have been divorced now for almost 5 years. (since Oct 2009).
I have failed to restart my dating life. Rather, God has prevented me. And He has reasons. God has been moulding me into a message. I was meant to be single for a season, this season.

Now, I am in the remarkable position of having the opportunity to encourage singles to follow God. All those Christians who have never-married, are legally divorced, or are widowed need support and direction. They need to be told that God has gifted them to do work in Christ's Kingdom, and He has gifted them to get closer and closer in their walk with Jesus.

The details can be found here:

The facebook page is:

Our first meeting at the church here in Newmarket ON. will be 5:30pm Sunday July 27th.

I am truly excited for what God has in store for this meeting. I truly hope and pray people will respond and attend. They told me they were interested.

I have, over the past week, received much spiritual resistance to this movement into singles ministry. From my computer at home acting out, to a person suddenly denying their own divorced status and arguing, to someone meddling in my own past with things they know nothing about. I kid you not. Once you stick your neck out for Jesus, you will be attacked. Satan has made it clear to me that he does NOT want me to minister to an all-ages Christian Singles adult group. He does NOT want Christian singles to move forward in their purpose and calling in God's Kingdom!

Well in God's grace, that is what I hope to accomplish! I wish to help singles make the most of this season of singleness. To see what my acronym G.I.F.T.S. stands for, visit the webpage! Again it is:
Also, that webpage has a video explaining more of my own story and this ministry. Please check it out!

God bless, and I will keep you posted on how things go!
-Pastor Curtis
Thur July 24/14 5:59 EST

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