Monday, December 16, 2024

The Mark Of God Overcomes The Mark Of The Beast

 The Mark Of God Overcomes the Mark of The Beast

Let’s Readjust Our Thinking By Examining The Word Of God

Look closely at the Scripture. The Mark of God is the prevailing Mark throughout history, past, present and future! Image shows Revelation 22:4 — His Mark is His Name- Jesus- written in our minds and hearts. The forehead is a symbol of the mind. It’s used consistently throughout Scripture in a spiritual way. Photo by author, Curtis Alexander © 2024.
2 Timothy 1:7 (New King James Version)
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear,
but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

In the evangelical world there is a lot of unnecessary sensationalism. Beware of the mark of the beast they say.

These people try to instill fear in Christians, as if Satan had any power over God. I’m not saying Satan is powerless. But compared to Christ, Satan is utterly defeated. These Christians are saying the mark of the beast is a micro chip or some other technology. But that’s the flesh, in the natural realm. And they utterly forget the Mark of God which is a “spirit” of “power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

God’s mark is spiritual. And so is the beast/satanic mark. Both are real. Both are present. But only one is supreme.

Jesus Christ is the reigning King of kings. And His Mark is real. It’s in the minds (foreheads) and hearts of all believers. The Bible says:

Revelation 22:4 (NKJV) They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads.

Jesus’ Name is the Mark of God. The three subcategories of His mark within this Name are: The Blood, The Seal, and the Mind.

We need to understand things from a Biblical perspective and not from a man-made tradition like futurism. Most evangelicals do not realize that their futurist doctrine is actually from the Counter-reformation, and was developed and promoted by a Jesuit priest named Francisco Ribera in the late 1500s AD.

One of the by-products of the counter-reformation was the futurist doctrine. Ribera taught that the pope is NOT the antichrist, as all the reformers were teaching (due to the popes slaughtering many Protestant Christians in history). Instead of being in the present, like the Bible teaches, Ribera taught that the antichrist and beast system is some time in the distant future. Thus so is his mark. That’s why popular Christian media gets nervous around new technology. Technology is often associated with the “future”.

Now, I am not necessarily advocating for every new technology that comes out. That’s neither here nor there.

I am simply pointing out that technology has no power over God or over the Mark of God. We do not need to fear technology. The Name of Jesus is Greater!

Nowadays, Christians blindly and fearfully accept futurist doctrine without examining history or the Bible to see if it is true.

So today we are going to start the process of dismantling the “mark of the beast” error by looking at the better mark, the Mark of God.

Not many people seem to discuss the Mark of God. I am not sure why. Maybe the mark of the beast is more “sensational” and sells more books.

Actually, this futurist teaching promotes fear and lies.

In my young days, I thought that if I got a micro chip or a tattoo or some other implanted technology, I would lose my salvation. I was told by futurists that one of these technologies might be “the mark of the beast.” This is a common belief among Christians. But it’s not Biblical. 

 Beginning 25 years ago, in the year 2000, I joined a church, Church On The GO. I began studying with the Lead Pastor Rev. Stephen Coates. His leadership, mentorship, and guidance has been invaluable to me over the past quarter-century. It was through him and his mother, the late Rev. Margaret I. Coates, that I was able to get into Christian ministry and eventually become a sponsored, credentialed Assistant Pastor. I am forever grateful to God and to them for their willingness to include me and train me in the Christian ministry 25 years ago.

 I also read or listened to many Christian historicist teachers like Karl Tester, E.B. Elliot, Charles Jennings, Robert Caringola, Steve Wohlberg, and Kelley Varner. Historicism is what the reformers held to.

I realized I had been duped.

It’s all lies.

I used to work in Retail. In that industry, they teach you to spot and reject counterfeit money by studying the real bank notes. Once you know what a genuine Canadian bank note looks like, you’ll be able to spot the fakes and counterfeits at the check-outs.

So that is what we are going to begin doing here.

Let’s look at the Genuine Mark of God in an overview: (more detailed analysis will come later)

  1. The Mark of God exists. It is past, present, and future. It is eternal. Why more Christians do not acknowledge this is beyond me. The Bible gives us plenty of examples of God’s Mark in Scripture. The mark of God is known by other names too, like the “forehead” and the “seal” of God. These are all metaphors or symbols of God’s spiritual Mark. The Bible says in Revelation 9:4 (NKJV) “They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.” See some more Biblical examples here: Genesis 4:15; Psalm 37:37; Proverbs 8:29; Ezekiel 9:4; Ezekiel 9:6; Ezekiel 3:8; Revelation 14:1 (NKJV) says: “Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.”

  2. Both marks are spiritual in nature not natural.

  3. God’s mark is far more potent and is supreme. It is far above the mark of the beast in power, authority, and ability. Now, without Christ, the mark of the beast is for sure a very real and present day threat. Satan can absolutely mark the unprotected soul, the one who has not trusted in Christ. But in Christ, we are safe, and Christ’s mark cannot be erased by Satan.

  4. God’s mark is the genuine “bank note” so to speak. It’s the original from the start of creation. God thought of it. Satan’s mark of the beast is the inferior counterfeit bill. Satan does not create anything. He only steals God’s ideas, and corrupts them into lesser versions.

  5. The mark of the beast is a historical and current thing. It’s not only in the future, as many popular futurists have taught in Christian media. Ribera was wrong to relegate the antichrist and his mark to some future time only. God’s mark is also a historical and current reality.

  6. Unlike the current mark of satan, the mark of God lives forever! The mark of the beast will only exist until the Lord Jesus returns and destroys it at His coming. (And Jesus’ return is 1-stage only, not 2 separate stages as the futurist purports. Read more on that here.)

  7. Both marks are representative of their respective kingdoms. They each represent a kind of internal spiritual “Photo ID” for their citizens. Those with the mark of God are citizens of God’s Kingdom. This mark is like their “ID Card”.

  8. Upon salvation, God can erase the mark of the beast from someone’s mind and heart, and replace it with the Mark of God. God is supreme over satan. There’s no contest. God is able to save anyone who calls on Jesus.

  9. So the emphasis of the Bible (including the book of Revelation) is that Jesus is King of the present Kingdom (which will go on into eternity), and He marks His citizens with His Mark to identify them! They are identified by His Name, His Blood, His Spirit, and His Mind!

  10. Both marks have a “faith” or “religious” element to them. The Mark of God is faith based. The mark of the beast is religion based. More on that at a future time.

We are going to study the genuine Mark of God in Scripture. By knowing the whole nature and power and authority of God’s Kingdom Mark in our hearts, we will be prepared to spot the counterfeits in the world. It will help us identify the mark of Satan or the beast, and reject it. There’s no fear to be had when you are abiding in Christ. You are an overcomer!

And you cannot have both marks in your heart. If you have the Mark of God (which is more powerful) in your heart and mind, then you cannot have the mark of the beast in your heart also.

I plan to write several articles on the Mark of God.

The best way to eradicate needless fear, is to educate people with the Bible.

I’ve been teaching this for years at our church. But now it is time for me to write about it too.

I won’t be able to cover everything in one article. So I will break it down into three main Biblical elements, all contained within the name of JESUS. Each element will get its own article.

The Name of Jesus is the ultimate way to describe the Mark of God. But we can analyze things further, to understand what Jesus’ Name represents. Here are three key elements of the Mark Of God, as contained within the Name of Jesus:

  1. The Blood of the Lamb, marked on the lintel and doorposts of your spiritual heart. (See Exodus 12:7) You are completely clean in the Blood of Jesus. You are protected from all spiritual harm, just as the Israelites were in Egypt. Satan cannot alter, reach, remove, or touch this mark of God in your heart. In fact, the blood of Jesus actually defeated Satan 2000 years ago! God’s mark is far more powerful here than the mark of the beast. Hebrews 10:19 (NKJV) says: “Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus,”. In the Old Testament, the Levitical High Priest would mark his right ear, his right thumb, and his right toe with blood before proceeding to the Most Holy Place (See Exodus 29:20). So it is with us, we are marked and saved in the Blood of Jesus, the High Priest after the eternal order, the Order of Melchisedec. By His Blood mark, we are allowed to enter into the Presence of God Almighty.

  2. The Seal of the Holy Spirit in your heart. The Holy Spirit is the Most Powerful Person on Earth. If something is sealed, it is leak-proof, and cannot be penetrated. Satan cannot penetrate the mark of God’s Seal on your heart. This seal identifies you as belonging to God the Father. The Bible says: Ephesians 1:13 (NKJV) In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise,

  3. The Mind of Christ in your mind (metaphorically your forehead). We have Jesus’s name and mind in our hearts and minds. If we allow Christ in our spirit to spill over to our soul (mind will and emotions), and to influence our thinking and behaviour, Satan cannot win. The mark of God is a mindset. The mark of the beast is also a mindset. God’s mindset is Christ in US, and is far superior to the mark of the beast. The Bible says: Philippians 4:7 (NKJV) and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. It also states: 1 Corinthians 2:16 “For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ.”

If you have these three elements of the Mark of God, you are protected in Christ from the mark of the beast. Otherwise Paul would be lying when he wrote:

Romans 8:38–39
New King James Version
38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 
39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

No spiritual being can separate us from Christ and His Love and His Mark. No created thing can do it. We are in Christ, Marked by God for salvation and citizenship in His Kingdom!

This is all introductory. In future articles, I will begin to delve deeper into each of the 3 key elements of God’s perfect Mark on the believer: the Blood, the Seal and the Mind. Stay tuned for more!

Image by author.

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This article was originally featured on The Dove.

UPDATE Feb 16 2025: My new book on this topic is NOW AVAILABLE for purchase on Amazon (paperback or eBook).
Purchase "The Mark Of God" in Canada.
Purchase "The Mark Of God" in the USA. 

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