Monday, August 15, 2016

"A Sound of Newmarket" for Jesus

One of the ministries our church supports and is connected to is the ministry of a Prophetic Minstrel named Jackie McArthur from Northern Ireland. He plays a variety of instruments including the guitar, and he writes much music. The prophetic word often flows spontaneously from his music.
He pastors a congregation in Belfast. He has visited our church on numerous occasions and preached, performed his songs and prophesied. Here is a video featuring an example of Jackie's music:

Upon hearing some of my own original music Jackie had this to say:

He called my music a "Sound of Newmarket" (Newmarket, ON is my location) much in the way his music is a "Sound of Belfast". He also told our congregation something very important that I have cherished:
He challenged our people by saying: "If you don't like Pastor Curtis' music, then it's up to you to write something better." It's not that people have truly complained about my music. No. Actually, I generally get compliments and encouragement about my songs, both locally and internationally. The point of Jackie's statement was that I don't have to be the only local person making these songs, that the Holy Spirit is able to inspire anyone. And many of those who He inspires will be songwriters and/or musicians.
Every song is a risk. Every time I share something new, it is a piece of my heart on display for the Lord and for others to hear. It opens one to the risk of criticism and one must learn to overcome their fear of being disliked. Sometimes, people don't like my songs, or how I record/perform them. And this is perfectly fine... because I wrote it for the Lord, and I feel His pleasure when I create and sing my songs.

Of course, I am always striving to learn and grow, so I am willing to hear constructive advise from fellow Christian musicians who also put themselves at "risk" by sharing their own music. I am courageous enough to keep sharing my heart using music, and allowing my own unique musical flavour come out. And I truly HOPE that my music stirs others to write and create for the LORD! If someone thinks they can write a better song than me, GREAT! If you do it for the LORD, then my song has accomplished its task in your life!!

So in the end, if someone does NOT like my music, then that's ok, as long as you still love Jesus and worship Him.
It's ok to have differing styles or tastes in musical genres because styles are not the main thing- the Lord is the central focus.
So don't expect me to change my style. I'm not changing my musical flavour for people. I will share what the Lord lays on my heart, whether people approve or not. My approval comes from the Lord, not public opinion. I appreciate compliments, but in the end, the music is meant to stand out and challenge people to read their Bibles and remember the Word of God and to follow Jesus. And if you think you have a better song, then GO for it. Instead of suggesting that I write your music, get busy and write it yourself, for Jesus!

In other words, all believers have the Spirit of God and it is not up to the pastors (like me) to do "everything" in the church. All believers are part of the priesthood (Rev 1:5-6) of Jesus the High Priest (Hebrews 7:17) who is after the order of Melchisedec. And Jesus is the Chief singer. (Heb 2:12). So our Melchisedec priesthood is a musical one, and all believers are a part of that priesthood.

I have written and recorded at least 30 original songs in the last 8 years or so, and most of them have made it onto my youtube channel in music-video format. Some are being used in live worship at our church.

Here is one of my most viewed videos, "Jesus High Priest":

And here is my very latest original song, "The Perfect Reason" published Aug 12/16:

The point of my music is:
a) To glorify The Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour and Lord and King.
b) To encourage/instruct/teach people using Biblical, didactic music.
The Bible says:
Ephesians 5:18-20 English Standard Version (ESV)
18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,
19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart,
20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
I enjoy experimenting with a variety of styles, electronic, classical, western, contemporary etc. But my main focus is always on the Word of God, finding ways to sing it to edify myself and others while praising God. My music is very didactic, and I have been told it sometimes sounds like Messianic Praise due to my use of specific rhythms and minor keys. I sometimes get inspired to create lyrics and music about Bible verses that are not usually sung: such as Romans 13:13 or Romans 8:24 or Hebrews 7:17. I have even been invited to use some of my original music in worship services in our church. I have humbly counted that to be an honour and privilege. My style generally does not contain as much "emotional" content as it does "Biblical" and "instructional" content. It is not for entertainment but for edification.
I am not a "professional" artist, and I am fine with that. I am singing and creating for Jesus to the best of my ability, in His Spirit.  
Aside from myself, we have had many local musicians come through and share their unique style in the Lord with us. Here is a fellow Canadian Christian, living in Ontario, Peter Nemeth, sharing his original song "Who Will" with us on the Hammer Dulcimer:
So... what is the LORD speaking to you? What has He laid on YOUR heart to do for Him? Music? Art? Service? Ministry? What ever the Lord gives to you, do it with all your might for His Glory. Do it in the Name of Jesus, so that the churches might be encouraged and built up in the faith!
God bless!
Pastor Curtis
Mon Aug 15 2016 12:03am EST

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