Sunday, July 27, 2014

Singles Ministry Meets Spiritual Resistance

Woah... Spiritual warfare. Total resistance this morning at church especially in technical issues. Satan tried to attack my personal worship and also tried to appeal to my pride this morning. Not only was I distracted from worshiping, trying to figure out computer woes, I did not get to lead worship as per usual. 

So when the announcements were on I went out in the hall for a walk with the Lord and refused to let satan steal my worship unto God. I sang to Jesus and worshiped Him. And no one but Jesus and the devil heard me. I was satisfied with just that. Then I returned and rejoined the service. At the end, the guest speakers and our lead pastor prayed for me and my upcoming meeting. I needed the prayer support.
I am Not tolerating satan's appeal to my pride. I refused to let myself turn into a grump on the day of my first meeting of singles! I am humble and I remain humble. I am able to go with the flow of the Holy Spirit, even when plans don't go... well.... as planned. God's plan always goes forward, no matter what I plan. My job is simply to agree and follow. Please pray for this evening's Christian Singles On The GO meeting. 5:30pm EST.

People, after my past week, it is clear that satan does NOT WANT THE CHRISTIAN SINGLES MOBILIZED and serving Christ! The satanic attacks are constant, personal, subtle and sneaky. But Christ guards me in the armour of light, God's protective gear. Satan must flee when we submit to God and resist the devil. That is in the book of James.

So let's band together and worship JESUS And give our Lead Singer, Jesus, the glory due His name. I even have a new song in the works.
5:30pm tonight.... Christian singles (who never married, or are divorced or are widowed) can come and discover their G.I.F.T.S. in Christ. I am more convinced now than ever that this is the time to act. 

Bless you!
Pastor Curtis
Sun July 27 2014 2:03pm EST

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Singles Ministry coming

So, I was recently approached to do a singles ministry by a church goer and also by my pastor. I accepted.
It just felt right to me in the Holy Spirit.
I feel now is the time.

I have been divorced now for almost 5 years. (since Oct 2009).
I have failed to restart my dating life. Rather, God has prevented me. And He has reasons. God has been moulding me into a message. I was meant to be single for a season, this season.

Now, I am in the remarkable position of having the opportunity to encourage singles to follow God. All those Christians who have never-married, are legally divorced, or are widowed need support and direction. They need to be told that God has gifted them to do work in Christ's Kingdom, and He has gifted them to get closer and closer in their walk with Jesus.

The details can be found here:

The facebook page is:

Our first meeting at the church here in Newmarket ON. will be 5:30pm Sunday July 27th.

I am truly excited for what God has in store for this meeting. I truly hope and pray people will respond and attend. They told me they were interested.

I have, over the past week, received much spiritual resistance to this movement into singles ministry. From my computer at home acting out, to a person suddenly denying their own divorced status and arguing, to someone meddling in my own past with things they know nothing about. I kid you not. Once you stick your neck out for Jesus, you will be attacked. Satan has made it clear to me that he does NOT want me to minister to an all-ages Christian Singles adult group. He does NOT want Christian singles to move forward in their purpose and calling in God's Kingdom!

Well in God's grace, that is what I hope to accomplish! I wish to help singles make the most of this season of singleness. To see what my acronym G.I.F.T.S. stands for, visit the webpage! Again it is:
Also, that webpage has a video explaining more of my own story and this ministry. Please check it out!

God bless, and I will keep you posted on how things go!
-Pastor Curtis
Thur July 24/14 5:59 EST

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Benefits to Singleness

For all those people who follow Jesus and are single and/or divorced.
Don't you wish sometimes that you could change your circumstance?
I have been there. I wished I could change my circumstance. I prayed. Yet here I am, still a single all this time.

BUT! I am here today to remind you that The Apostle Paul viewed singleness and marriage both as gifts from the Lord. Each has their own gift, one after this manner, one after another manner. Read 1 Corinthians 7:7.

So to encourage you - let me share the benefits and blessings I have experienced in the past 4 and a half years as a single divorced man. Keep in mind, I have not had even one date yet, since the divorce in 2009. The LORD knows why. In the mean time I can start to assert now the great blessings I have been accumulating as I walk this long season alone with Him.
Singleness is a gift from God. So is marriage.

1) I am driven to seek the Spirit of Jesus more. I have always enjoyed alone time. But when I am truly alone with no one else around, I also tend to seek Jesus more often. He always meets me faithfully and often speaks to me with pictures and visions and words and Scripture.

2) The Lord has cleaned some ugly little areas inside me. I yielded to Him, and gave up to the Light. And it has been a wonderfully powerful liberation. I could not have done it this way as a married man. As a single, I was left with no choice but to lean fully on the Lord. And what a great choice it was and is!

3) Freedom to serve Jesus in ministry without distraction. Freedom to please just the Lord.

4) Time to heal. The Lord called me to take up the piano in 2007 at church and has since inspired me to write well over 20 songs. I lead worship, and some of my songs have made it into the church repertoire. These songs have been a process and journey for me. And the time I have spent with Jesus has been restorative, and healing to me. The music, writing, and prayer were all avenues of God's healing to me personally. His very presence is life and rest and restoration. I found new strength in the dark times when I decided to WORSHIP JESUS (both alone and in the local church).

5) Freedom of  time. I have little spare time because I am a bivocational pastor (a pastor with another job in addition to pastoring). But when I do get free time, I am really able to relax, spend time out, get chores done, etc. Rest is truly important, even for those who feel they don't need it.

6) Finances for a single person are relatively simple compared to those of married couples and families. (I am speaking as a single man with no children).

7) Decision making is more straightforward. At least, I find it has been simpler for me. (again I speak as a divorced man with no children.)

8) I have truly learned that Jesus is my ALL. No woman could possibly fulfill the longings of my heart like God can. I am full of His Spirit and so amazed at His grace to me. I don't deserve it. YET, He has proven to be my supplier and helper and guide. If I did not experience this road, this gift of singleness, then how would I have discovered how truly complete Jesus's love for me is? His complete love of me is what completes me indeed. I am complete in HIM. Nothing lacks, and nothing more is needed. This has been a long hard lesson for me- I am still learning to depend on Jesus fully for every need and every provision. 

Enjoy this journey you are on. You have a gift, whether you are married or are single. I know both gifts. I have learned to enjoy whatever state I happen to be in. It has been a long lesson that the Lord taught me. I am humbled by His goodness that continues to flow to me.
 Most importantly... follow the ministry call on your life! ALL believers are called to some form of ministry! Don't wait another day to seek His will for your life and actions. Be sure you are connected as the Spirit leads you in the local church!

And Happy Canada Day
~Pastor Curtis
Tues. July 1st, 3:53AM EST