Tuesday, November 26, 2024

God Is Able To Meet Your Needs

The question is not "can God meet the need?" He can. At any time, and in any way.

The question is "when will God meet the need?" After all, we as believers all have experienced a lack at some point or other. There almost always seems to be an amount of time between when the need occurs, and when God supplies the answer. 

Image by Curtis Alexander (c) 2024

I believe God is faithful, and He looks after His children. John 1:12 says that anyone who receives Jesus gets the right to become a child of God. So if you believe Jesus, you're one of God's own! 

He cares for you at all times. I don't think He ignores us. He thinks about us, cares for us, and loves us constantlyHe is our Heavenly Father after all.

But are we paying attention to Him? 


Are we just fretting over the need?

Who or what is our focus placed on?

I believe God meets our need, specifically when we prioritize Him above the need. I'm led to this conclusion based on what Jesus teaches us.

Let's read the following Bible passage, which was spoken by Jesus:

Matthew 6:30-33 New King James Version

30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 

32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 

33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

So if we are willing to stop staring at our empty shelf, or empty account, or unpaid bill, and instead place our trust and hope and attention on Jesus and His currently active Kingdom, God will take care of the rest in His own time, right on time!

This means we practice the faith of Jesus regularly. We read, and meditate on, His Word. We attend church and participate in His Body faithfully. We pray in Jesus' Name and spend time with Him. We allow His sovereign influence to flow through us. We let His Kingdom reality and His Gospel shine through us to the lost. We obey Jesus' Spirit and follow His leading. 

In other words, we make Jesus and His Kingdom and His righteousness FIRST in our lives.

As we do so, that seemingly unmet need will be met. Jesus promised us this!

Let's seek Jesus and His Kingdom first and foremost, everyday!

God bless,

Pastor Curtis

[Tue Nov 26, 2024 3:00am Eastern.]

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Sunday, November 24, 2024

About Viewfinder

Welcome to Viewfinder, the personal blog of Curtis Alexander!

On this blog I discuss Christian topics, including The Holy Bible, Jesus Christ, The Mark Of God, end times, salvation, leadership, and discipleship. I also discuss life in general and lessons learned.

Feel free to follow!

I have two books for sale.

1. "12 Good Traits Of A Leader: A Biblical Guide To Best Practices"

Canadian Amazon paperback link: here 

American Amazon paperback link: here 

Universal Gumroad link to the eBook version: here.

2. "The Mark Of God: Your Victory Over The Mark Of The Beast". Available as a paperback or an eBook on Amazon:

Canadian Link
American Link 

Also please feel free to make a one-time donation here if you value my blog content. Thank you!

Self-portrait of author (c) 2025

Saturday, November 23, 2024

"12 Good Traits Of A Leader" BOOK Is AVAILABLE Now!

 My new book can be ordered in paper back form on Amazon or in eBook form on Gumroad. Links are down below.

Author & Writer Curtis J Alexander self-portrait. 2024

I know I know... my Viewfinder blog has been quiet for the last year. Well there's a reason for that.

If you're wondering where I've been for the past several months, I've been building my online portfolio on the writing platform Medium. I have a pay-to-read blog on their website for members. I made a complete career change this fall (retired from retail), and am now a full time writer from home. 

Plus I came out with my first book in the process!

And, I am still happily serving as an assistant pastor at Church On The GO.

If you want to follow me on Medium, my address there is: @curtisaonthego

Non members can read a couple of stories for free per month. Paid members can read unlimited stories.

In case you are not a Medium member, I thought I would add the book links here on my blog. See below if you would like to learn more about leadership and its 12 good traits.

This book is based on the Bible, research, and on my experience. I spent 29 years in the retail industry, and have a lot of experience leading teams of paid employees in different companies. I also lead teams of volunteers currently. I've been a leader at Church On The GO since 2001. I joined the church well over 24 years ago in 2000.

If you lead any kind of team (paid or volunteer), you can learn about great traits such as communication, respect, and discretion. I cover 12 different good traits, plus their negative counterparts (the "nemesis traits"). I have a heart for leading others to succeed. If you can relate, then this book is for you!

Buy the paperback in Canada:

12 Good Traits Of A Leader paperback on Amazon.ca

Buy the paperback in the USA:

12 Good Traits Of A Leader paperback on Amazon.com

Buy and download the eBook anywhere in the world:

12 Good Traits Of A Leader - eBook on Gumroad

Thank you for your interest and support!

Also, if you value my blog and content, please consider giving a one-time donation! Thank you!

(Sat. Nov. 23, 2024, 1:14PM Eastern Time)