Mark 9:23 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
Did you know that ALL THINGS are possible for God, and with God, in Jesus' Name?
Too often we find ourselves limiting God or using faulty logic like "that only happened once in the Bible, so God could never (or would never) do that again."
Too often we find ourselves limiting God or using faulty logic like "that only happened once in the Bible, so God could never (or would never) do that again."
BUT God can do all things. All. Things. All of them. Any of them. Whenever and where ever He pleases. In response to faith. In response to His own divine counsel. And the only limit is not God. It's us. It's our belief in Him. If God did something miraculous for a man (like bring a wife to a man's location -see Adam, see Isaac, see Boaz) then of COURSE God can do it again. If God made the dead rise, He can do it again. If God helped a man win a war with something weak like a donkey jawbone, He can do it again.
Jesus cast out the most stubborn of demons. (See the context for the above verse Mark 9:17-29)
Nothing. Is. Too. Difficult. This is the God over all the Universe and Heavens. He has zero limit. He has all the options. These are options we know nothing about. (So how could we choose them?) But He does wait for us to believe. Child-like faith in Jesus is all it takes when we ask Him.
Let us never limit God in our minds and souls.
God bless and be encouraged!
Jesus cast out the most stubborn of demons. (See the context for the above verse Mark 9:17-29)
Nothing. Is. Too. Difficult. This is the God over all the Universe and Heavens. He has zero limit. He has all the options. These are options we know nothing about. (So how could we choose them?) But He does wait for us to believe. Child-like faith in Jesus is all it takes when we ask Him.

God bless and be encouraged!
Thu Mar 12 2020 7:09am EST