Sunday, June 21, 2015

To my Dad on Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my Dad (John Alexander)!

Understand that because of your own deep love of our God Jesus Christ and His Word, and your sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, I was raised with the blessing of having an earthly father that loves and cares for me, a reflection of our relationship to the Heavenly Father. You knew how to draw this turtle out of his shell and help me open up one on one. You made me feel validated and accepted. You stuck to your rules and guidelines, taught me to respect authority. Yet even in your firm stance, you have always been so gentle. You somehow always knew when I had something on my mind as a teen, and you always took your time to wait and let me open up in my own way. You were transparent and helpful, letting me see that I was not strange, different, or weird, or beyond hope in my teens and young adulthood. You helped me see that I was human and in need of dependence on God. You exposed me to powerful Spirit-led fellowship in the local church from an early age. I have memories of that which still live on in me decades later. My childhood memories (30 years ago) of your participation in Agape Christian Fellowship are an important part of how God led me to find my current church, Church On The GO, in the year 2000. He called me to ministry, but it was your early influence in my life that prepared me for my current life. You have no idea how precious this is to me.

Just know that who I am and what I do is because you started me on this journey a long time ago. Understanding your background, it is even more exceptional that you put so much into your effort as a father. Our talks in the basement, building stuff together out of blocks when I was young, and our talks around the Amiga, listening to song files called MODS. :) You started me, and guided me early on in my journey to eventually being a man after God's heart. You also helped me cultivate my interest in computer software, music creation, cartooning, and art.
We are not the same in every way, since you never could transfer your love of old movies (40's, 50's, etc) to me when I was a child. I still remember you preparing 5-10 minute "movie clips". You loved these movies, but knew I could not sit through entire feature-length movies, due to my own attention issues. So the only way you could get me to agree to watch, was to tell me it was "just a clip". I would watch your clip, and be on my way. :)

While I have not turned out to be a "movie buff" like you, you may not realize your "movie clips" have had a positive impact on me in the long run: it cultivated a passion for short video (5-10 minutes), which I would eventually begin to make and post on the internet. Youtube eventually came along and I started to make my own "clips" to post on that site. So thank you for your "movie clips"! :)

Here is one of my newest youtube videos "In The Midst Of Thee". When I think about it, this video's influence came from God, and also from my time with you as a youngster. Spending time with you using Music software, watching your video clips, and praying with you all have had an impact, and it has led to creations like this:

  Later on, when tragedy was about to strike in my personal life, God warned you in advance, and you prayed for me. Yours were some of the most important prayers to helping me cope through extreme loss and hidden depression. Others prayers made a difference too! But there is something about a father's prayers that carries weight.

I am better at expressing these things in writing than I am in spoken words. But they must be expressed. You continue to inspire me through your fearless approach to challenges and difficulty, and because you serve the Lord in Spirit and in Truth.

 God bless, thank you, and enjoy this day!
Your son,

Alexander family, in March of 2015: Left to Right- me(Curtis), dad (John), my sister Corrie, mom (Marlene) 

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 2:20pm EST

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Meme Commentary: Happy-Complicated-Hurt

I found an interesting meme online today, and was inspired to make a commentary on it:

Allow me to comment on this meme using Scriptural principals and also my life experience thus far:
1) I am responsible for my own emotions and happiness. I will never rely on another human being to be responsible for something they have no control over: my happiness. They might have some influence, but not control. This includes any romantic interest, bosses, coworkers, friends, family, and those I minister to or those I receive ministry from. At the end of the day, I still make the call to be happy or not. Most days, I choose to be happy with my lot in life, knowing God is sovereign over all.
I own up to my responsibility for my own emotions. That is part of mature adult life.
And.... I learned a long time ago that even if I try my hardest, I simply cannot "make" someone else happy. In other words, I cannot directly control the soul/emotions of another. I wouldn't want that kind of control anyhow. But, I can do kind things for them, perform a task in an excellent way, or say encouraging words (as I love to do). And yet... it is the other party's choice to be happy about it or not. Trust me, I know from experience and observation.
This in no way deters me from striving to do my best in any form of communication, service or relationship. We should always strive for excellence in our thoughts, actions and words, regardless of who notices us or thanks us or is happy because of us. I am still learning and growing at this!
2) If by "complicated", the meme writer means "confusing" then yes, we are not to invite confusion into our lives. BUT IF "complicated" simply means "complex" to this writer... well... all relationships are complex. Some are less complex than others, but all have some degree of complexity. Even good relationships get "complicated" at times. Jesus promised we would have trials in this world. But He also said in this promise: fear not, I have overcome the world.
Love relationships are very complex. After all, we are spirit, we have a soul (soul = mind, will and emotions), and we live in a body. We are 3-in-1 beings! When you put two 3-in-1 beings together, there is complexity, diversity, depth and richness of relationships.
3) Hurt, and pain is something we should avoid inflicting on others. But because of fallen human nature, we inadvertently hurt our loved ones. Sadly, this is inescapable, even in truly good relationships. We all fail at times. And  yes, sometimes we hurt each other in words or actions, not out of malice, but out of heated or rash decisions that were made in poor judgement in a moment of weakness. It is for this reason Jesus tells us to leave our gift at the altar and make amends with those whom we have offended. Then after that, we can pick up where we were. Also, Jesus tells us to forgive so that we may be forgiven of God. It is unrealistic to expect a 100% pain-free relationships while living on this planet in its current state. It should be noted that forgiveness and "trusting again" do not automatically go hand-in-hand. The Bible never commands us to trust someone who is proven to be untrustworthy, only to forgive them. 
Another angle: When parents discipline a child for wrong behaviour, as Proverbs tells us they should, there will usually be a consequence for that misbehaviour. It might mean a little bit of "pain". Like a loss of privileges for a while, or being grounded, for example. That is the kind of pain that tells of deep love, and of parents who wish their child to grow up and become excellent adults in the real world.
That said, we should always act in love and always think of the feelings of our loved ones, coworkers, bosses, friends and family before speaking and acting. And the same goes for our relationship to God. He can be grieved at some things we do as well, but you do not see Him abandon His people just because we sin again or fall short on occassion. He is faithful and merciful and loving. He will never abandon or forsake us. When we confess our faults directly to Jesus, He is faithful and just to forgive us. We grow closer in love with Jesus. We can choose to do the things that are pleasing to Him.
God bless,
Pastor Curtis
Thur June 18, 2015, 1:57am EST 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

RETURNING TO OUR FIRST LOVE - A response to "Revive Cold Hearts"

RETURNING TO OUR FIRST LOVE - A response to "Revive Cold Hearts"

Here is a great word from my sister Stacey on reviving cold hearts:

Please read it and then return here. The Holy Spirit has inspired me to write in response and in continuation of what my sister has said! I want you to focus particularly on what she has said about feeling alone in church. This is a common occurrence today! And I have news: if you feel alone in church, then who ELSE is probably feeling exactly the same way? Probably someone right next to you! You may feel alone, but you are not alone in your aloneness! And the fact that she felt that some churches are the same as watching a TV sermon at home, a true yet sad fact. See, TV is and always will be a spectator sport. And many people today go to church meetings thinking they are spectators. This could not be further from the truth. Hence a body of believers might act like a TV audience rather than engaged body parts.
Now I am not discouraging TV altogether.
 It is great to watch services on TV or internet in special circumstance, such as when one is bedridden and cannot physically move. But going out to live local church meetings is better! Local churches were intended by God to be a regular place for you, the joints, to supply each other's needs in Christ! Amazing!
What my sister Stacey has said is spot on: God is about Relationships. We should be the same as Him! 

We know that Jesus promised His presence where two or three are gathered. So we are never alone in that regard. But what if the members started to show love more to each other in their local church? 
If you have read the above blog in the link, then let us continue here:
There are several local churches (plural as mentioned in Scripture) who have need of admonition and encouragement! Isn't it great that the Lord addresses each local congregation by name and is able to help us clarify and improve! Praise Him for His faithfulness!
Here is what Jesus has to say about the various churches gathering in public in specific geographic locations:

20The ministry of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks, is this, The seven stars are the Angels of the seven Churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest, are the seven Churches.

Revelation 2:1 GENEVA VERSION
1 Unto the Angel of the Church of Ephesus write, These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, and walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks.

and He goes on to say exactly what her blog post has said:

Revelation 2:2-4 GENEVA VERSION
2I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear with them which are evil, and hast examined them which say they are Apostles, and are not, and hast found the liars.
3And thou wast burdened, and hast patience, and for my Names sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.

So far so good, but here is the kicker!

4 Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

So this particular early church was different than the other early churches recorded in Revelation 2 and 3. This particular church represents a lot of western churches today. They have lost their first love. That is something we strive to keep central in our congregation: First Love! Let Jesus thrill your soul and make time for Him like a young couple in love makes time for each other! When one is in love with Jesus, nothing can distract you from being with Him and from showing love to His family! You want to spread it to everyone. And that is one of the benefits of being part of a smaller church: people do not get lost in the shuffle very easily. Everyone is included, as a body part in the Body of Christ! Larger churches must work harder (meaning each and every member, not just the leaders) to reach out to every member. It can be done, if each Christian would simply recognize that church is not a spectator sport! You are a functional member of the body, in Christ. Every joint supplies the need, as Paul tells the church in Ephesians. 

Ephesians 4:15-16 GOD'S WORD TRANSLATION
15Instead, as we lovingly speak the truth, we will grow up completely in our relationship to Christ, who is the head.
16He makes the whole body fit together and unites it through the support of every joint. As each and every part does its job, he makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love. 

THIS is my Biblical Ephesians/Revelation challenge to those who are part of local churches who may not reach out in love like they used to: If you are there and see the need, my challenge is for you to be the Lord's ignition switch. Stir people to love. Provoke them with God's Love. Return to your FIRST LOVE: Jesus! 
Reach out in your church in quiet, humble and genuine ways. It will take boldness because often this doesn't make human sense. Don't do it to receive. Do it to give. Like Jesus did for you. And cooperate with the Spirit as He moves you! You WILL be surprised when God reciprocates love back to you in new and delightful ways! You cannot outgive God! 

Let God ignite the fire of first love in YOU. Don't wait for the pastor or deacon or anyone else. Everyone typically thinks "Someone else will do it." 
No! If you are in the midst of a cold church, heat things up with your love of Jesus and reach out to the sister or brother beside you. YOU are a minister, and YOU are a channel of God's blessing and Spirit. If you are Christian, you are a body joint! Do not wait any longer. You are connected to the Head, Jesus. The Head sends nerve impulses to body parts like you and me.


If you have not filled up on His love, how can you give it out? If your relationship to Jesus is shallow, how can you express His deep love and devotion to others? 

So before you take on this challenge, I strongly urge you to get alone with God before your next church service. 
Yes, shut off social websites, TV, cellphones, tablets and anything else that can distract you. Go on a date with God.
Get alone and spend time with Jesus. Ask Him to revive your love with His Love. God IS Love. (1 John 4:16) So by being in God, you are in love! Let Him send you on a local mission to the unchurched, the unsaved, and those sitting in your church who do not really KNOW the love of God. 
To know God is to know Love. Be a fire starter today! 

Pastor Curtis
Sun June 14, 2015 3:34pm EST